More stringent anti-smoking laws are in the works


When South Africa introduced smoking areas
in restaurants and bars there was vehement opposition from sections of the
the hotel industry. They argued that the public would stop eating at restaurants, restaurants
would lose revenue and even close, and the work would be lost. In addition, they argued,
no one will respect the law.

Non-smoking areas are the norm

But two decades later, smoking in non-smoking areas
of a restaurant has become taboo. Ordinary South Africans and hospitality
the sector monitored the legislation. And despite these initial concerns, research from the University of Cape Town show that
none of the 700 restaurants surveyed have seen any drop in customer base or profits by scoring
outside designated smoking areas.

Of the restaurants, only 1% allowed guests to smoke
where they wanted, while more than 40% followed a smoke-free policy, a
just over 40% designated a place outside for smoking and only 11%
designated area for smoking indoors.

Non-smoking areas in restaurants and other public places
spaces are the norm. Legislation and the annual increase in the price of
cigarettes, has led to a steady decrease in the prevalence of smokers
about 38% in 1998 to between 16% and 18% in 2012. But South Africa has not seen
a significant decline in the consumption of tobacco products since 2012 – and what is
more worrisome is that there is no reduction in the prevalence of smoking among young people

The Tobacco Products Control Project and
Electronic Delivery Systems Bill – to be released for public comment until 9
August – will tackle this problem.


A number of legislative changes will occur through the
legislation. The first declares any public space closed 100% without smoke, and
proposes to also introduce outdoor public spaces without smoke. There are good reasons for that. Studies show
second-hand smoke is as harmful as smoking. When a smoker lights up in
in front of a non-smoker, the non-smoker is 30% more likely to get
cardiac disease.

Smoke-free public spaces are a well-documented strategy
reduce the number of cigarettes that people smoke and move them to the stop
completely. An African Center for Monitoring and Policy of the Tobacco Industry
The research study (ATIM) of last year revealed that about a third of non-smokers are exposed
to second-hand smoke in restaurants.

The second
The regulation of electronic cigarettes, which

become a familiar sight in public places. Current tobacco control
legislation was introduced before e-cigarettes were available, so there was no
the laws governing their use or advertising, marketing and sponsorship of them.
This means that the manufacturers of electronic cigarettes have used the legislative vacuum
to promote these devices and make unfounded allegations about the impact that they
have on public health, as well as their effectiveness as a resignation tool. they have
tried to falsely position the use of electronic cigarettes as being healthy, bady and
attractive, with a particular goal of getting young people to use the product.

Textual Warnings to Quit

This should change because the bill restricts the use of
e-cigarettes in all areas where combustible cigarettes are not allowed.
Marketing, advertising and sponsorship of electronic cigarettes will also be prohibited
and their sale will be limited to adults over 18 years old.

The use of the electronic cigarette has been linked to the development of the lungs
diseases, and if used during pregnancy, can cause sudden infant death syndrome.
Studies have also linked electronic cigarettes to
heart rate and high blood pressure.

Despite the claims of the tobacco industry
that e-cigarettes help smokers to stop using combustible cigarettes,
shows that electronic cigarettes are more likely to be used in combination with
combustible cigarettes.

South Africa
will join 83 others
countries that regulate electronic cigarettes.

The next change is that the packaging of tobacco products
change too. The ATIM study found that only 13% of smokers are motivated by
text warnings to leave. Change was needed to ensure that South Africans take
pay attention to health warnings. The draft bill introduces uniform packaging
all marks and warnings shown on all packages. This will remove everything
advertising on the package, and it is more difficult to ignore the health warning.
Neutral packaging, as this intervention is called, resulted in an increase
decline in consumption in Australia where it was introduced in 2012.

Public Health

Smoking is one of the top five risk factors
contribute to the disease of South Africa
charge. It increases the risk of several chronic diseases including cancers,
pneumonia, ischemic heart disease and stroke. Smokers also face double
risk of developing tuberculosis.

Smoking rates in South Africa are highest
continent – and trends show that these numbers will increase over the next 15 years
years. New tobacco control legislation should be seen as South Africa's response
with the increasing increase of noncommunicable diseases such as cancers,
disease and stroke. – Health-News.

* Savera Kalideen is the Executive Director of the National Council.
Against smoking. The bill is available to the public until August 9: send
submissions to

Image credit: iStock

Savera Kalideen

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