New drug to replace valsartan "in a few days"


 Some 27,000 Maltese patients take Valsartan as part of the Government Pharmacy of Your Choice program.

Some 27,000 patients in Malta take Valsartan as part of the government's Choice Pharmacy program.

The health authorities will distribute in the coming days a replacement medicine for the drug against valsartan hypertension.

It has been advised to people who take this medicine to contact their doctor after the European Medicines Agency has given the alert. The Ministry of Health first told the Times Times of Malta that stock of uncontaminated valsartan should have been available in pharmacies last week. However, pharmacists who spoke to the Times of Malta earlier this week said that they had not yet received the uncontaminated valsartan.

When the government would make new valsartan available to patients, a spokeswoman said canderstan stock, a direct replacement for valsartan, began arriving last week

Authorities were receiving more than 15,000 people. shipments this week, ensuring enough stock for the continuation of treatment.

They had not yet received non-contaminated valsartan

"We plan to start distributing drugs to pharmacies in the coming days" said the spokesperson.

Valsartan, as part of the government Pharmacy program of your choice, and local health experts warned that continuing to take the drug in the short term was less risky than stopping it abruptly [19659004] Pharmacists, m Meanwhile, insisted on the importance of patients addressing their GPs, who could recommend an alternative to the government's list or available to chemists for a fee.

The Ministry of Health spokesman said that about 2250 patients were dispensed

Patients who did not receive alternative medicine via POYC probably continued to consume the valsartan that They had or had bought an alternative, since patients were warned repeatedly not to stop their antihypertensive treatment. the regulators said the drug, manufactured in bulk by a Chinese company and sold worldwide, may contain a cancer-related impurity since 2012.

The revelation that the problem probably dates back to changes in manufacturing processes to Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical It seems that many patients could have been exposed to a cancer risk.

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