Nigeria: Chronology #AdeosunGate – What Happened Until Now


Oladeinde Olawoyin

On July 7, PREMIUM TIMES publishes an exclusive report detailing how Nigeria's finance minister, Kemi Adeosun, did not participate in the mandatory national youth service program organized by the government. National Youth Service Corps. , NYSC. This document also outlines how the minister forged an exemption certificate several years after graduation.

The year – round service, organized by the NYSC, is mandatory for all Nigerian graduates of universities or equivalent institutions under the age of 30. In addition to being a requirement for government and private sector jobs in Nigeria, the enabling legislation provides for punishment for anyone who is absent from the system or forging their certificates.

Eligible Nigerians who have skipped the service are liable to 12 months imprisonment. or N2000 fine, according to section 13 of the NYSC Act. Article 13 (3) of the law also provides for a three-year prison sentence or a fine of N 5,000 for anyone who contravenes the law, as did Ms. Adeosun. Paragraph 4 of the same article also criminalizes the communication of false information or the unlawful obtaining of the certificate of the agency. It provides for up to three years' imprisonment for these offenders.

Mrs. Adeosun's official certificates obtained by PREMIUM TIMES show that the Minister is parsing a so-called NYSC exemption certificate, issued in September 2009, granting her an exemption from mandatory service because of age [19659006] This newspaper also discovered how lawmakers blackmailed the minister by releasing funds to the National Assembly with dirty details that they detected about it, which turned out to be the NYSC certificates scandal. reported in April the details of the controversial release of N10 billion in the National Assembly by Ms. Adeosun. The legislative arm then wasted money on exotic cars and dubious contracts. Some of the companies to which the contracts were awarded were not even registered with the Commission des affaires corporatives and the Bureau des marchés publics.

In June, this newspaper reported that the minister had spent about $ 12 billion to finance projects. the budget 2017.

More than a week after the outbreak of the scandal, the minister and her employer, the Federal Government of Nigeria, did not come out unscathed, even though Nigerians are waiting for it. outcome of the allegations. 19659010] April: PREMIUM TIMES in a series of reports revealed how the minister has repeatedly enriched legislators by funding unapproved projects and making cash payments not entrusted to the legislative branch of government. In April, this newspaper published details of the controversial release of N10 billion in the National Assembly by Ms. Adeosun. The legislative arm then wasted money on exotic cars and dubious contracts. Some of the companies to which the contracts were awarded were not even registered with the Commission des affaires corporatives and the Bureau des marchés publics

April 16: Also in April, our journalist first visited the NYSC headquarters to launch a discreet investigation on Ms. Adeosun. "Certificate"

April 17: On the basis of the directive to file a formal application, a letter requesting verification of the certificate was delivered to NYSC headquarters on April 17. Within two days, the general manager, who was the recipient, sent the application to the certification department for checks

1-30 May: our reporter did follow-ups several times but no breakthrough.

May 31: The register for UK graduates who received exemptions was presented from our reporter and officials carefully examined the entries of 2009. It was confirmed that "Folakemi Adeosun" was not in the register. The journalist was invited back the next day to hear the NYSC's response. He received the account details for the payment of the N2,000 audit fee. Payment was made the same day.

June 1: Our staff was directed to the NYSC accounts department on the fifth floor to change the Remita receipt into the official NYSC receipt. A receipt numbered 711133 was then issued but upon his return to present the receipt to the NYSC Audit Division, NYSC officials stated that the audit had been forwarded to the organization's ICT unit. to check his "electronic database". Frustrated by the sudden return of the agency, this newspaper sent a request for access to information to the NYSC headquarters. FoI's application has been ignored despite the provision of the FoI Act for agencies to respond to requests within a week or write to request an extension if they are unable to comply within the stipulated timeframes.

Meanwhile, between June and July Journal, the initial application letter to the NYSC was leaked to Ms. Adeosun and her managers who lobbied journalists, publishers and owners of PREMIUM TIMES. PREMIUM TIMES believed that the letter had been leaked on June 1 when the agency claimed that our request had been redirected to the ICT unit for electronic checks. For days, the staff of this newspaper has been subjected to undue pressure on history, including attempts to compromise those who thought they were working on the report and the direction. At that time, the NYSC became non-responsive and officials began to evade our reporters on the phone and in their offices.

July 6: This newspaper reported exclusively how some senators explained why Ms. Adeosun remained exceptionally generous by channeling billions of dollars. naira to federal legislators. "What I am aware of is that some of our members have said that they have ammunition that they can use to silence it," said one senator. This left room for the leadership (of the National Assembly) to intimidate her, knowing that she could make her leave her job if she does not cooperate. "

July 7: This diary exposed how Ms. Adeosun did not participate The report also indicated how, on the contrary, she had forged a certificate of exemption several years after obtaining her Diploma

9 July: Forty-eight hours after the news broke out among Nigerians, PREMIUM TIMES published Ms. Adeosun's documents exactly as she submitted them to President Muhammadu Buhari (before his appointment), the state security (for the examination of titles and security) and the Senate (for its confirmation hearing). the results of GCE school, its university and postgraduate degree, its so-called certificate of NYSC exemption, its certificate of taxation for the 2015 taxation year and its certificates of membership to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and In Wales, among the documents, the only one that has become controversial up to here is the NYSC exemption "certificate", allegedly published on September 7, 2009.

July 9: hours after PREMIUM TIMES released the documents, the NYSC in a terse The message disavowed Ms Adeosun's "exemption certificate", claiming that she would "investigate" the source of her alleged certificate. The body, however, claimed to have requested an exemption certificate, without providing details on the time of the application and what the body authorities did about it.

July 10: In the midst of Nigerians, this newspaper obtained and released a certificate exemption that further destroyed the authenticity of the alleged NYSC certificate parade by Ms. Adeosun. A review of the two certificates revealed a number of discrepancies that revealed that Adeosun's certificate was false

July 10: PREMIUM TIMES reported that the NYSC was under intense pressure to provide "softlanding" to Ms. Adeosun. Our reporter learned that there were people at NYSC headquarters that some intercessors who wanted the case to be completely covered suggested misplacing the relevant NYSC registry as a last resort. Similarly, a governor who is believed to be Ms. Adeosun's sponsor has several times contacted the NYSC boss, persuading him to "help the minister"

July 11: A mobilization director at The National Youth Service Corps Retreat (NYSC) Ani cited why the so-called "exemption certificate" held by Ms. Adeosun is not genuine and "would not have emanated from the NYSC" . Speaking on Channels Television's breakfast, Sunrise Daily, Mr. Ani said: "The certificate I saw, the one I saw, the one I've seen. seen online, though it is the truth of which they speak, was not issued July 11: In the midst of indignation and requests for explanation of Nigerians, d & # 39; As much as the government remained silent on the issue, the Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, said the government had nothing to say about the scandal. have nothing to add to what the NYSC said: the NYSC is part of the government and has spoken, "said Mr. Mohammed.

July 12: Maharazu Tsiga, the CEO who took office at the NYSC in January 2009 Ms. Adeosun is not entitled to the NYSC Exemption Certificate, and even if she had requested it, there would be no way to approve such a request. reiterated the previous point Mr. Ani suggested that the verification of any purported certificate from the NYSC is an easy task. "We have what is called a vault, I believe from there, they can easily identify whether a certificate is issued by the NYSC or not," he said about the NYSC's claim regarding an ongoing investigation. and Pastor Tunde Bakare paid a visit to President Muhammadu Buhari at the Villa and had an in camera meeting. Mr. Bakare, an ally of Mr. Buhari who was at the same time in the presidential villa with the minister and who left shortly thereafter, said that he was not at the villa because the adulteration scandal of Mrs. Adeosun. About a week after the scandal, neither the presidency nor the minister officially responded to the allegations. And just as some Nigerians were insinuating that the president may not have been aware of the scandal, details have emerged that Ms. Adeosun had "seen" President Muhammadu Buhari three times since his certificate forgery certificate was exposed. Buhari spokesman Femi Adesina, in a statement sent to PREMIUM TIMES, said that Ms. Adeosun and Mr. Bakare had never met the president and that the minister "no longer needed to meet him on Friday (Mr. Buhari) ". 19659022] 14 July: Ms. Adeosun was elected Chair of the Board of Directors of the African Export and Import Bank at AFREXIMBANK's Annual General Meeting in Abuja. The bank, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary, has gathered in Abuja. Mr. Buhari also attended the meeting. It is unclear how the government, whose agenda is based on the anti-corruption war, could handle the scandal.

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