Nintendo reassures investors that its 2018 lineup has not been fully revealed


Looks like Nintendo has more tips for 2018.

At its last general meeting of shareholders, former President Tatsumi Kimishima revealed that Nintendo had "un-advertised" products in the pipeline that the company plans to release before the end of this year's holiday season. As translated by DualShockers, Kimishima said that the moment had not yet come to announce the full range.

Kimishima rebadured shareholders, who were wary of the unconvincing announcements of Nintendo.

Former President Kimishima, who retired last month and was replaced by Shuntaro Furukawa, also said that Nintendo would have no problem reaching its goal of shipping 20 million Switch units.

The microprocessors and memory posed a certain challenge, he was convinced that the momentum and popularity of the Switch would propel the hybrid console throughout the year.

Peter Allen Clark is a freelance writer who hopes Nintendo will reach his expedition goals for the simple reason. More switches mean more people playing smash with him. Follow him on Twitter to make sure he has a lot of friends with switches.

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