Notice of "Dark Tourist": David Farrier's Netflix show is not worth the trip


The top show of my DO NOT WATCH list this summer is "Dark Tourist," the now-streaming Netflix series that takes us to places where bad things have happened.

The eight-part series has impressive references. Host David Farrier is a New Zealand journalist who co-directed "Tickled", a 2016 HBO documentary described by The Washington Post as "a clever and disconcerting bait of a movie" about endurance tickling competitive.

Now Farrier is about to investigate "black tourism – a global phenomenon where people choose to vacation in places badociated with death and destruction." Perhaps, think about he, "take a bizarre vacation"

M. Farrier gives the kickoff of the series to Fukushima, the Japanese prefecture became radioactive after an earthquake and tsunami in 2011 that triggered collapses in a nuclear power plant. Because, as the saying goes, there is a miller born every minute, a company offers bus tours to the city of Tomioka, an old restricted area now said to be safe. The guide is a jolly guy who says that if his Geiger counter reads 0.20 that "m worries me". But he does not really care because he's already led tours, and it's not like he had "extra horns or fingers."

Then, a few minutes after the start of the trip, the Geiger counter of a tourist reaches 0.72! With a grim euphemism, Farrier says, "Immediately, nuclear tourists are concerned."

As a big fan of normalcy and boredom, I no longer wanted to look at these reckless people on a nuclear tour. So I jumped to episode 2. Farrier travels to the United States for vampire tourism in New Orleans and JFK murder tourism in Dallas, and a trip to Milwaukee to examine the life of the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Farrier travels with a woman obsessed with Dahmer and discusses her murders as if they were works of art instead of horrific acts of inhumanity.

Is there not an editor at Netflix who could have suggested, "Is it still too early for an irreverent look at serial killing?" "

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