ODM deputies hold a coup in the House committees :: Kenya


MP Gem Elisha Odhiambo (left) at a past post. The ODM legislator says that they will act on the threat of Ford Kenyas leaving the NASA coalition. [File, Standard]

Some members of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) began planning a coup in the House Committee to win positions held by Ford-Kenya leaders in Parliament.

This decision follows remarks by Moses Wetangula, leader of Ford-Kenya, about the death of the National Super-Alliance (NASA), which sparked a heated debate among coalition partners.


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Deputies have spoken as ODM chairman John Mbadi baderted that even if Ford-Kenya leaves NASA, the alliance will not be dissolved.

The Nasa coalition is a merger of the Amani National Congress (ANC), the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), the Ford-Kenya and Wiper parties.

Mbadi said that the dissolution of NASA is a long process that will involve the convening of the Nasa National Executive Board (NEC) and the National Governance Council (NGC).

Nasa will then hold a national conference of delegates (NDC) to formally and legally dissolve the coalition, in accordance with the Political Parties Act.

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The president of the ODM insisted that if Ford-Kenya is serious and wants to withdraw from the coalition "then he should repair his threat by writing to the clerk of the parties expressing their intention".

& # 39; & # 39; Otherwise, we are dealing with statements making rounds on social media that NASA is now an untimely shell, "Mbadi told The Standard in an interview yesterday.

He said that once they receive formal letters of withdrawal from the register of political parties, they would act on the ad hoc decision of Ford-Kenya.

& # 39; & # 39; For the moment, these threats are smoke and reflect a theatricality that does not directly and openly call for a call to political expediency, "Mbadi said.


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He said the Coalition will not tolerate a unilateral statement "where someone wakes up in the morning and reacts with emotions that the coalition is moribund or extinct."

In what is likely to deepen the relations between the Ford-Kenya and ODM leaders, the MDOs allied with the coalition, declared that they could not be intimidated by Wetangula.

& # 39; & # 39; We want to treat the statement made by Wetangula with the contempt she deserves. If we are convinced that this was done by emotion, "said Mbadi

While the ODM had majority MPs in Nasa, two MPs, Elisha Odhiambo (Gem) and Samwel Atandi (Alego Usonga), participated in the debate saying that they were tired of the threats of Ford-Kenya.

& # 39; & # 39; We continue to be threatened by Wetangula and its members who have either left NASA or the coalition is dead or is heading for political oblivion.

"It is high time that Ford-Kenya leaders respond to their threats by taking the necessary legal steps to formally leave the coalition, if they wish," said Mr. Odhiambo.

He added, "I want to declare my burning interest in taking the position of minority bad MP owned by Kiminini MP Chris Wamalwa of Ford-Kenya," he told reporters in Kisumu.


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Speaking at Standard's office, Odhiambo said he would lobby his colleagues to take a seat.

"We can not continue to urge people to stay in a coalition that they seem disinterested to stay in. It was a coalition of volunteer parties," he said.

& # 39; & # 39; That Wetangula outweighs his deputies and asks them to resign from House committees and to pave the way for me and others to get the job done, we're ready, "he said. said Odhiambo.

ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna also sent a bold message to the leader of the Ford-Kenya party to make formal complaints to the Registrar of Political Parties.

"We remind Wetangula that coalitions are not dissolved at village funerals and barazas, but as an experienced lawyer, he should write to the clerk to remove his name," he said. said.

He then dared Mr. Wetangula to ask his party members in parliament to give up positions that they acquired because they were at NASA.

MP Gem said the Ford-Kenya boss was only a veiled reference to the famous handshake between NASA Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta.

& # 39; & # 39; Why is it only Ford-Kenya complaining while others are quite? saying that they can not be held to ransom by a marginal party.

Although ODM leaders claimed that they did not want NASA to dissolve, the circumstances might leave them little options or choices to decide its future fate.


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"Wetangula would be run by the 2022 estate policy, alleging that he was suspected of warming up in front of Vice President William Ruto," said Atandi.

Wetangula sensationalized on Monday that NASA was dead and that his political party was no longer part of the Coalition.

Sifuna and Mbadi claimed that Wetangula was still unhappy with the head of NASA and ODM, Raila Odinga, who chose to bury the hatchet with President Uhuru Kenyatta during the famous handful of hand.

Just recently, in Kisumu, the head of the Amani National Congress Party (MNA), Musalia Mudavadi, said the super-Alliance was not about to bend despite their differences.

Despite the events of the last three months that have seen some of its leaders criticize Raila for meeting President Kenyatta without involving them, NASA is intact.

He explained that after the discredited elections in 2017, the country was at a crossroads on the way forward to resolve electoral and governance issues.
"The ANC remains dedicated to NASA's vision of making Kenya a super nation among the nations of the world," he said. NASA had its vision for Kenyans.

& # 39; & # 39; Our pursuit of NASA's vision and dream has been blocked by imperfect elections. Our hope and commitment remain. The ANC will keep the candle lit, "he said.


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Mudavadi claimed that NASA was still intact and that they had agreed in principle to embark on promoting the aforementioned reforms after the elections.

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