Opera presents browser browser with crypto integrated portfolio


All in today's technology seems to be looking for a reason to prefix or suffice crypto on their latest offer.

The Norwegian Opera company is no different, and today announced a new version of its smartphone browser that boasts an Ethereum Crypto wallet.

Of course, he calls Opera Crypto, and the browser has launched a private beta today for some users to try it. This is an Android-specific application, and those who are interested in trying it can sign up here.

As for Opera, which ventures into the world of crypto-currencies, Charles Hamel, product manager on Opera Crypto, explains that he is merging cash and online.

"Having a Crypto Wallet in the browser brings the payment experience to the world of online payments … Paying with the Crypto Wallet, it's like sending digital money." directly from your phone, and we have simplified it, "Hamel notes in a press release on the ad

The software powering this browser-based application works as this: Opera Crypto supports the Ethereum Web3 API, which is a library collection that allows developers to interact with local or remote Ethereum nodes.

The browser facilitates the process of sending and receiving cryptocurrencies via a QR code that is generated and which must then be exploited, then the transaction is done, with Coinbase also integrated for currency exchange digital.

According to the company, this new solution responds to tokens and other digital badets with a kind of monetary value attached, as well as crypto-collectibles like CryptoKitties, as VentureBeat points out.

Remains whether the use of Opera Crypto will be successful, but the company is convinced that the ease of use of the browser and the lack of dependence vis-à-vis an application will attract more users. Added to this is the fact that it does not require browser extension and secures the contents of the wallet with Android System Lock.

Is this the beginning of a new trend among mobile browsers?

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