Perhaps on the rocks as foreigners, the Brexit ministers leave


The government of British Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday imploded Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and Brexit Minister David Davis, resigning from his master plan for the future of Britain outside of Britain. l & # 39; EU. economic ties with the European Union, even after the departure of Britain in March next year

The cheerleader of Brexit Johnson then made a stunning second blow by pushing the speculation that May could face an imminent leadership contest. – Agreed by cabinet Friday hoping to unblock negotiations with Brussels, which must resume Monday, cost him two of his four prime ministers, throwing his administration and authority into turmoil

"This after- noon, the Prime Minister has accepted the resignation of Boris Johnson as secretary of foreign affairs, "said his office of Downing Street in a statement of three sentences.

the replacement will be announced shortly. Boris for his work. "

Johnson criticized the Brexit project privately, but so far has refrained from commenting on the public.

Downing Street quickly appointed eurosceptic housing minister Dominic Raab to Davis's work. Davis' resignation, with a scathing warning that Britain was "too easy" in the Brexit talks, was a blow to May a few days after Britain's departure. it declared a truce among its ministers at war

– Next decision –

All eyes are now on the next action of the Brexit extremists in its center-right Conservative Party.

But Raab's appointment, a big supporter of Brexit, suggests that conservative Brexitors are divided

Davis himself said that it would be "bad" if his departure led to a rebellion at whole, insisting that "of course" May survive

. May will address parliaments Later, she will explain her proposal for Britain to adopt EU property rules after Brexit and should talk to Conservative MPs.

The plan was approved by ministers during marathon negotiations on Friday. The agreement meant that for the first time since the Brexit vote in June 2016, Britain had a detailed proposal to take in Brussels, and still hopes to reach an agreement by October.

May's spokeswoman told reporters, "There was an agreement on Friday and we look forward to negotiating this deal."

He added: "We think this will give a positive Brexit, that's what we focus on."

European Commission spokeswoman Margaritis Schinas said the change of Ministers was not a problem and that the EU was ready to negotiate "24 hours a day."

The EU "will continue to negotiate with good will." Minister May and Negotiators British so May spoke to Commission Chief Jean-Claude Juncker, to EU President Donald Tusk and to Irish, Swedish and Maltese leaders this weekend to discuss his plans, and meet with the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz in London later on Monday.

– "reluctant conscript" –

In his resignation letter to late May Sunday, Davis warned that on Brexit, "the general direction of politics will leave us at best a weak bargaining position, "

His plan" makes would be the so-called control by illusory rather than actual parliament ", and the proposals for a" common regulation "on goods" would entrust control of large parts of our economy to the EU ".

Davis said his job required "an enthusiastic believer in your approach, and not just a reluctant conscript."

Speaking to the BBC on Monday, he said that he hoped Britain would "very strongly resist any attempt"

May responded in a letter rejecting "your characterization of the policy we have accepted" , which, according to her, would see the return of the powers held by the EU in Britain.

Davis was named after the referendum Department newly created for the exit of the EU a He became the figure Brexit, leading the British delegation to talks with Brussels.

His role had been overshadowed in recent months as May and his aides took on a larger role and threatened to resign several times. Peter Bone said: "The Prime Minister's proposals in favor of a name only Brexit are not acceptable."

The main opposition Labor party "It is now more clear than ever that Theresa May does not have the authority to negotiate for Britain or to conclude an agreement on Brexit that protects employment and the economy, "said spokesman Keir Starmer.


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