Photos: Pyrotechnicians behind the scenes plant fireworks to light the city of Vancouver


VANCOUVER – Under the hot mid-morning sun, Dominick Vermaak stands on an old wooden chip barge in the middle of Vancouver's English Bay. The 26-year-old Pyrotechnician traveled from South Africa to lead the first exhibition of the three-night fireworks series, officially titled Honda Celebration of Light.

The festival will see hordes of people flooding the beaches of West End to get primo views of the action. Not far from the other side of the water, lovers of more casual fireworks will line up on the shores and waterfront parks of Kitsilano. Boaters of all kinds will anchor in the bay for the celebration on July 28, August 1 and August 4.

 During the show, only four people are on the barge. Chiefly technicians chiefs, they must retreat to the observation cabin at the tin roof in the far north
During the show, only four people are on the barge. Chief technicians, for the most part, have to retreat to the observation hut at the tin roof at the north end. ( Tessa Vikander / StarMetro )
 Bulletproof windows on the cabin provide a view of the transit area.
Bulletproof windows on the hut offer a view of the transit area. ( Tessa Vikander / StarMetro )
 An old wood chip barge anchored in English Bay is the starting point for the Honda Celebration of Light, a series fireworks in three parts. Vancouver
An old wood chip barge anchored in English Bay is the gathering place for the Honda Celebration of Light, a series of three-part fireworks in Vancouver. ( Tessa Vikander / StarMetro )
 Looking to the west side of the houseboat, where there is no wall. Inside the white shipping container on the right, there is a place to store personal belongings and a water cooler.
Looking at the west side of the barge, where there is no wall. Inside the white shipping container on the right, there is a place to store personal belongings and a water cooler. ( Tessa Vikander / StarMetro )
 After taking a boat in the middle of the English Bay, and climbing a rocky staircase, we arrive on the deck of A long fortified barge, littered with sand pits, tents and shipping containers.
After taking a boat in the middle of English Bay and climbed up a wobbly staircase, we arrive on the deck of a long barge sand pits, tents and shipping containers. (19659034) Tessa Vikander / StarMetro )
 In the West End of Vancouver, pyrotechnicians load hundreds of fireworks in preparation for each show.
In the middle of Vancouver's West End, pyrotechnicians load hundreds of fireworks in preparation for each show. Tessa Vikander / StarMetro )
 Dominick Vermaak takes refuge from the sun while he was spinning and then loads fireworks into small crates in the form of tube
Dominick Vermaak took refuge from the sun while he was spinning and charging fireworks into small tube-shaped crates. ( Tessa Vikander / Star Metro )
 Dominick Vermaak is the designer of South African fireworks. His show, July 28, will kick off Vancouver's summer fireworks show, the 2018 Honda Celebration of Light.
Dominick Vermaak is the designer of the southern fireworks -African. His show, July 28, will kick off the Vancouver 2018 summer fireworks, the Honda Celebration of Light. ( Tessa Vikander / StarMetro )
 Pyrotechnicians spin and load fireworks into tubes that are then planted on the sand. No match is involved in these fireworks; fuses are fired with electrical wires
Pyrotechnicians spin and load fireworks into tubes that are then planted on the sand. No match is involved in these fireworks; fuses are triggered using electrical cables. ( Tessa Vikander / StarMetro )

It's a little over 24 hours before the show time for an exhibition on which Vermaak has been working for months .

designed on a computer, will be fully automated and is focused around the love. He will present "love songs" by Metallica, Katy Perry and Ed Sheeran.

"Listen to music, take a look at the colors and watch how they flow with the music," said Vermaak. An expert in fireworks is accompanied by twenty or so other people on the barge, mostly men and especially expert pyrotechnicians. Vermaak and a few others work under white tents beside the main sanders while they bademble, spin and pack the explosives in foot-long tubes, which are organized on a grid and planted on the sand. Others work under the direct sun, kneeling or squatting on the pit, their clothes and their skin soiled by dust.

As the waves gently rock the barge, Vermaak remembers her first close encounter with a fireworks display. He was just a "youngster", and his mother was not satisfied with his love of explosives.

"We bought a bunch of rockets, and I like to start shooting at these things, and obviously my mom is fighting with me and is like," Pay attention! "At the age of 18, Vermaak had made friends with someone whose uncle owned a fireworks company, and he was get hired right away. Although he began most of the time carrying boxes and doing a grunt job, at age 19 he got a license to host shows. Today, seven years later, he is Chief Technician for Fireworks for Africa and represents his country in competitions around the world.

"When you get to that position, you start traveling a lot, and being on the road can be pretty hard," he says.

But "the pyro culture" is close to the heart of Vermaak.

"It's like a big giant family," he said. "We as pyro technicians, we all speak the same language.It is not like he was a lawyer and I am this guy.As a pyro, we are all pyros at the end of the day. "

But far from playing with fire, the work can be grueling. and pushing all these tubes into the ground. You're moving tons of sand, "he said," as soon as you start loading shells and throwing products, you're really excited because you know the show is going to take off soon. "

Back on the ground, the city's emergency staff is preparing for several evenings.

The Vancouver Police Service stated that it would strictly enforce a no-tolerance alcohol policy, a measure Paramedics Nicholas Mann, BC Superintendent of Emergency Health Services, says the number of people who are intoxicated is lower, which means less Medical emergencies.

In fact, work the 4 pm At 2 am, the fireworks are "one of the highlights of the summer" for many paramedics, he said, although doing the shift means working overtime, "everyone always take the opportunity "to take it because they're used to seeing the fireworks too.

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