PICS: "Dump Trump": 250,000 march against the US President's visit to the United Kingdom


While British Prime Minister Theresa May gave Donald Trump a "red carpet", hundreds of thousands of people hailed the US President's visit to the United Kingdom with a "Carnival of Resistance"

. took to the streets of the British capital to express their opposition to Trump's four-day trip to Britain, according to Stop Trump, the group organizing the protest.

Protesters marched through central London. sing slogans and brandish banners such as "Hate Traitor would be dictator".

"God saves the queen of an orange tangerine", read another one.

Trixie Monks, an ex-military from the American state of Tennessee, was among the crowd. She said that she moved to the UK as soon as Trump was elected President of the United States in late 2016.

(AP Photo / Luca Bruno)

"We came out of America, and the last thing we want, is that it starts to interfere in our lives when we finally found peace, "she told Al Jazeera . Condemning Trump's record as president, Monks, highlighted his recent "zero tolerance" immigration policy that saw children being snatched from their parents on the southern border of the United States and locked up in cages. terrible trying to reunite the world, "added the 39-year-old." He continues to attack our allies and then go on to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and give him all that 39, he wants. "

May criticism can back down

As protesters began to gather in London She reiterated how special the relationship between the two historic allies is. 19659010] His comments came despite the fact that Trump told the Sun just before he arrived in London that the May plan on leaving Britain

After meeting May, Friday, Trump seemed to come back on his fiery comments, declaring that an agreement would be "absolutely possible".

Commenting on the apparent backing, Monks, the protester, said that she was not surprised

(AP Photo / Tim Ireland)

"You Can not Trust Everything what he says he's going to do, he's going to do everything he wants and it's not good for unity "

" Trampling Fundamental Rights "

People of all ages and backgrounds met in Portland Place at 2:00 pm local time (5:00 pm GMT)

. made their way to Trafalgar Square for a mbad rally with politicians including Labor Opposition Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and Labor MP David Lammy

Protesters accuse Trump of creating a culture of racism, intolerance and misogyny through policies targeting minority groups.

During his tenure, the US President also oversaw the partial institutionalization of an executive order that will effectively restrict travel for people from several Muslim-majority countries to the United States. United.

Speech, Corbyn described the Trump administration's policies as "putting the lives and well-being of millions of people at risk."

He also criticized May for her "red carpet" despite Trump "trampling on basic fundamentals Tom Ager, 29, from Bournemouth, told Al Jazeera that he took part in the protest because Trump" banned people from certain countries based on their nationality and is clearly, explicitly racist ". [19659003] Laura Williams, 29, and an officer of Global Justice Manchester, said she was traveling from the northern city of England to London for protest because she was "shocked" May decided to invite Trump, "despite the obv She told Al Jazeera that there are so many reasons why people" reject "the Republican leader, including his" misogyny, its hostility towards migrants and the rejection of climate change, to name a few.

"And why is she inviting her here? Because she wants us to sign a trade deal with Trump that would lower the standards of our food, health and worker rights." We oppose this and make sure that May knows that this is not the direction we want to enter. "

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