Polio epidemics in the DRC threaten the eradication effort


The weakened virus in drops of polio vaccine can, on rare occasions, regain its virulence, causing outbreaks


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The weakened virus in polio vaccines can, on rare occasions, regain its virulence, causing epidemic outbreaks


Eclipsed by the Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), another scary virus is fleeing into this vast, chaotic country: Poliomyelitis Public health experts have worked for months to eradicate the virus but it continues to spread: it has already paralyzed 29 children and June 21 The DRC is "absolutely" the most worrying polio epidemic today, says Michel Zaffran, who heads the Global Initiative for Polio Eradication (GPEI) at the World Health Organization Geneva (Switzerland)

The outbreak also highlights the latest complication on the bumpy road to eradicating polio. poliomyelitis. It is caused not by the wild virus caught by a thread in Afghanistan, Pakistan and possibly Nigeria, but by a rare mutant variant derived from the weakened oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) virus which has regained its neurovirulence and its ability to spread. As OPV campaigns have led the wild virus to near-extinction, these vaccine-derived circulating polioviruses (cVDPVs) have become the biggest threat to polio eradication. If epidemics do not stop quickly, polio scientists warn that they could get out of control and put in place eradication efforts.

"It is urgent to stop these outbreaks," says epidemiologist Nicholas Grbadly of Imperial College London. . "It's so much more important than controlling the wild virus."

Safe and effective, OPV has long been the workhorse of the eradication effort. But a feature that makes the vaccine so powerful can also be a serious drawback. Shortly after vaccination, the weakened live virus can spread from one person to the other, thus enhancing immunity even in those who have not received the drops against polio. . But in rare cases, in poor countries like the DRC where many children have not been vaccinated, the virus can continue to circulate for years, accumulating mutations until it become dangerous again. The vast majority of cVDPVs are caused by serotype 2, one of three variants of the virus

Almost as soon as cVDPVs were discovered in 2000, the World Health Assembly in Geneva stated that any use of OPV had to stop. was gone. In 2016, with the threat of a greater number of cVDPVs – they now cause more cases of paralysis than the wild virus – the IMEP decided that the wait was no longer a option. At the time, type 2 poliovirus had been eradicated from the wild, which meant that all type 2 viruses came from the vaccine itself. In April of the same year, the 155 countries still using the trivalent vaccine, which targets all three variants of polio, replaced it with a bivalent vaccine whose component type 2 was removed. Nobody knew exactly how this experience would unfold. It was clear, however, that for a few years, some type 2 outbreaks would still occur, those that had started before the "switch", as it was called, but had not been detected or those that had not been detected. caused by the last use of trivalent OPV.

In a virological capture 22, the only way to stop type 2 outbreaks is to use a version of the same vaccine that gave them birth in the first place – in one way or another. Another without seeding another. The inactivated polio vaccine virus can not go back, but it is not enough to stop an epidemic.

To combat these outbreaks, the GPEI created a closely monitored stock of a new monovalent OPV type 2 (OPVm2) only to be released with the approval of the Director General of WHO. If OPVm2 is used wisely and sparingly, it can stop an outbreak without starting a future, says Zaffran. Speed ​​is essential because the immunity of the population to type 2 virus now declines that it was removed from the vaccine, paving the way for an explosive outbreak.


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CREDITS: A. CUADRA / SCIENCE ; 2016, the type 2 vaccine was launched to fight outbreaks in 10 countries and until now, the strategy seems to work, although a type 2 epidemic in Syria paralyzed 74 children before resuming last year's control.The outbreak was first detected in June 2017 in the central province of Maniema, and in a few days, another case was reported about 900 kilometers away in Upper-Lomami province in the south-east, it was not the same strain as in Maniema, but a distinct type 2 cVDPV that had emerged independently, even worse, the indicated sequences circulated without being detected for at least 2 years

The country and its international partners were targeting OPVm2. Nine health districts deemed most at risk – the minimum, thought the experts, to get the maximum effect. But vaccination campaigns in the DRC, with its remote villages, dilapidated infrastructure and weak health system, are difficult and have failed to reach enough children. The Upper Lomami virus spread to southern Tanganyika and then to Upper Katanga

Then the first week of June this year, the authorities confirmed another case on the other side of the country , not far from the Ebola outbreak, where health workers are already thin. This strain has also emerged independently, which shows how weak surveillance is in the country. More alarmingly, about two weeks later, a case of polio was reported in the northeast, near the Ugandan border. The Upper Lomami virus made the leap northward, in an area where no OPV2 campaign was underway. "This really increases the risk of international spread," said Oliver Rosenbauer, WHO spokesman for polio eradication. In the worst case, if type 2 explodes across Africa or if the number of cases increases exponentially, the only option would be to reintroduce OPV2 into the routine. Mark Pallansch, a molecular virologist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. The change will have failed, pushing back the years of eradication and driving up costs, which currently run around $ 1 billion a year, much to the dismay of donors.

But this scenario is far away, says Zaffran. Pallansch agrees. "At the moment, I really believe that type 2 cVDPVs can be managed, the only question is for how long," he says. "I have not seen anything yet that makes me think that eradication is not possible.But the end of the game turns out to be much more complicated than the eradication of the wild-type virus. . "

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