Post-Generic Scenes from Ant-Man and Wasp, Explained


Ant-Man and Wasp has two post-generic scenes. The first is indispensable for the fans MCU and links directly to Avengers: Infinity War . The second, not so much. But if you do not have anywhere else, do not hesitate to stay there.

A huge spoiler warning the size of a giant man here! If you do not want to know what happens during the post-generic scenes in Ant-Man and Wasp, then stop reading now. In addition, if you do not want much of the plot of the real movie spoiled then stop reading now too. We are good? Good.


Composed by Aaron Robinson / CNET

Scene 1: What happens in Infinity War does not stay in …

The scene begins on a roof. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), Janet Van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer), Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) and Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) are all here. After the events of the film, they managed to shrink the quantum tunnel and placed it at the back of a van

After a few jokes, it became apparent that the mission of the lor team is helping Scott successfully. enter the quantum realm at the back of the van and retrieve its "healing energies" to help Ghost, also known as Ava and embodied by Hannah John-Kamen, to deal with her matter condition Unstable which confers him his powers

of Hank, Scott enters the quantum realm and brings healing energies in radio contact with the rest of the team, who is still on the roof. When he's ready to come back, Hope starts counting: "Five, four, three …" but she never gets to two. We see things from within the Quantum Kingdom while the countdown just stops for Scott.

At first, he thinks others are laughing at him. But after a few moments of not responding, his voice begins to reveal his panic. We then cut on the roof to see three sets of ash (Hank, Hope and Janet, presumably) floating in the air. And these are the same ashes we saw at the end of the Infinite War after the breakup of Thanos.

Scott's voice gets louder and louder when it becomes clear that something is wrong: "Guys! Guuys! GUUUYSS !!" Cut to black.


Things do not look great for any of these characters after this post-generic scene. In fact, things are not going well for anyone in the MCU right now.

Ben Rothstein

What it Means

It would seem that the rooftop scene unfolds simultaneously with the end of Avengers: Infinite War When Thanos Claps Fingers thus dividing the scene. universe in two. Hope, Janet and Hank did not survive the slaughter. No word on Louis (Michael Pena) though. Here is my biggest question: was Scott spared from the chance of the Infinity Gauntlet random draw or was he protected from hanging while he was in the Quantum Realm?

We will have to wait until Avengers 4 in May 2019 – or perhaps as early as Captain Marvel in March 2019 – to find out.

On display:
Look at this:

The best and worst things about Ant-Man and the Wasp


Scene 2: Drums, drums in the house

The scene begins with Scott. He looks deserted in a post-rapturous way. We see several shots from outside and then from inside the house. We see the TV always turned on with the emergency broadcast system on the screen while a barely audible alert tone is played. Throughout this time, we also hear the somewhat rhythmic rhythm, although brutal, in the background.

It is then revealed that Scott's giant ant – presumably the one that was accidentally enlarged during the finale of the first film (though this is never explicitly stated in this one) sits and plays the drums. When the camera zooms in, it stops. Cut in black and a typical "Ant-Man and The Wasp will come back" text on the screen, but after a time a "?" appears at the end. Spooky!


This is how you enter the Quantum domain.

Ben Rothstein

What it Means

Post-generic tracking scenes in MCU movies are not usually as important as the first, and this seems to be the case here.

The details of the Emergency Broadcast System gives us a little more information on how the world reacts immediately to the disappearance of so many people, but not many other things. A beautiful scene, but that is not worth the wait if you ask me.

Would you like to dissect these scenes even more? Have a look at the GameSpot site on the two post-generic scenes here:

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