Princess Charlotte has an impertinent message for photographers at the baptism of her little brother Prince Louis! Watch!



Princess Charlotte is one of the first figureheads of the "Queen of Sbad" at this rate!

The 3-year-old royal had a message for photographers apart from her younger brother Prince Louis's royal baptism in London on Monday. In a video shared by CBS the fam is seen leaving the royal chapel at the Palais Saint-James after the ceremony.

Related: Royal Wedding: The Adorable Waves of Princess Charlotte at the Ceremony The Internet! Watch

While they were going to a private tea at Clarence House, Prince Charles and Camilla, the official residence of the Duchess of Cornwall, London Sbady Princess looked at the photographers while telling them, "You're not coming."

This one is too cute not to see it for yourself! We can not stop watching this. Discover our favorite princess in action (below):

Seriously, with expressions like that that needs bodyguards when you have a security too tight ?! [19659003] [ Image via CBS . ]

Tags: cute and contemporary families, kidz cute, family, comforting, parenting perezcious, princess charlotte, royal baby new, royals royce, viral: kids

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