Psychiatric stress-related condition may increase the risk of autoimmune disease


Stress is known to cause physiological changes, including changes in immune function, but the evidence linking it to specific diseases is limited.

This study uses JAMA a Swedish database of 106,464 patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute stress response, or maladaptation disorder. They compared them to 1,064,640 people without stress-related disorders and to 126,652 of their stress-free siblings.

During a 10-year average follow-up period, 8,284 cases of autoimmune diseases were diagnosed with a stress disorder; After controlling for other risk factors, they found that compared to those who had not experienced severe stress, those with a stress disorder were 36% more likely to have autoimmune disease and 29 % more likely than their unstressed brothers and sisters. People with a diagnosis of PTSD were at particularly high risk – they were 46% more likely to develop an autoimmune disease.

"Stress really affects health in the long run," said lead author Dr. Huan Song, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Iceland. "It not only affects psychiatric health, but leaves people vulnerable to other diseases.There are many treatments now available for stress-related disorders, and it is important that people receive early treatment," he said. he said.

New York Times

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