& quot; Chamisa, paranoid, immature & # 39; | The herald


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A Nelson Chamisa victory in the July 30 elections would be catastrophic for Zimbabwe as the MDC Alliance candidate is an unstable and immature politician whose understanding of The country's political speech is characterized by paranoia, diplomatic sources and MDC insiders said

that diplomatic sources added that in the unlikely event that he would win the poll, Mr. Chamisa would have a difficult relationship with him. The establishment of security that considers it immature. It is also understood that due to his paranoia, Mr. Chamisa had alienated senior MDC-T officials in favor of his former student friends, a situation that MDC-T insiders said he would see Cuban ministers unleash on Zimbabwe if it wins
Comments from diplomatic sources and MDC-T insiders come amid rumors that Mr. Chamisa has failed to gain confidence Sadc leaders and the African Union.

Kenyan opposition president, Mr. Raila Odinga, said that Mr. Chamisa wanted Sadc and the African Union to help him in the fight against the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC )
. Victory, though unlikely, would be catastrophic for Zimbabwe in many ways.

"The general feeling in the diplomatic community is that it lacks a credible team to form a government," said one source. has also lost the support of senior MDC officials because of its paranoia and immaturity. Thirdly, he would have a very difficult relationship with the security establishment who does not consider him a stable figure for national leadership. "
The sources said that out of mistrust, his own security aides had a torrid time working with him.

" There is a general perception that "because of the suspicion and the l? immaturity, even his own security aides who worked with the security establishment during inclusive government complained not only of their lack of trust but also of the level of mistrust. that they often do not know where he sleeps, "said another source." Can you imagine he had to be a commander-in-chief with this kind of perspective. How would he get along with the security forces? The situation was not helped by the White City Stadium incident which, if it had occurred to an insecure and immature character, could have created a security situation in the country . "

The source continued: the young man, it is a problem received to the extent that he inherited the late leader Morgan Tsvangirai who, instead of solving the problem of succession, simply put three characters on the starting line, forgetting that he would not live long enough to be the referee.The dead men can not solve the problems of succession, which means that it was left to young man to solve the problem and check with what degree of care he does it.

"He does it with the proverbial care of a bull in a porcelain store, which is why he has now alienated Dr. Thokozani Khupe, the engineer Elias Mudzuri, Messers Douglas Mwonzora and Obert Gutu.

"Last week, there were clashes in the Midlands that reflected three fighting factions within the MDC – a faithful of Chamisa and Amos Chibaya, another loyal to Dr. Khupe and the third loyal to Mr. Mwonzora and its supporters. "MDC insiders said the National Executive Committee of the MDC-T (NEC) barely met.

aggravated by the fact that instead of senior members of the MDC-T, he (Mr. Chamisa) put his old friends in the Council of Student Representatives (SRC) and senior members alienated, "he said. he said. "Chamisa is a very difficult character to work in. He has surrounded himself with friends from his student days.

" The only other high-level person whom he seems to trust, but not yet completely, that is Tendai Biti. In the unlikely event that he wins, these (senior insane officials) are the members who hold hands because they are mature and in the case of a few others they have been part of the government (during inclusive government) . In the current state of affairs, visualizing one's victory means unleashing Cuban ministers from Zimbabwe as if we were back in 1980. "

Diplomatic sources said in the region and on the African continent, Mr. Chamisa was failing to win the hearts of the leaders He approached some accredited African ambbadadors to Zimbabwe to help convey his concerns to Sadc and the AU

"In the case of President Paul Kagame, what he thought to be sympathetic, he's completely lost on allegations that he has taught his government in ICT, "said a diplomat." Really, this seems to predetermine his overtures to Sadc and AU he hoped for support in the fight against the ZEC. What he has done in the meantime, is to approach some accredited African ambbadadors to Zimbabwe to try to help him to voice his concerns to Sadc and to him. AU.

"He struggled to gain the trust of the leaders within Sadc as well as on the mainland with the exception of Odinga, who is in opposition but whose career also illustrates the futility of the policy of hardening. "

Rwandan President Kagame rejected Chamisa's claims. the ICT policy of his country during their meeting in Geneva, Switzerland

M. Chamisa was ICT minister during the inclusive government and recently said at a rally that he had helped President Kagame. Mr. Chamisa, sources said, also addressed church leaders to beg President Mnangagwa for an inclusive government after this month's elections.

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