& quot; Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars & # 39; is everything wrong with DLC


Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars is a case study of everything that goes wrong with paid extension packs, especially those that come with season pbades. The Far Cry series has a history of wacky expansions, from the Faret Valley of Far Cry 4 to Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Lost on Mars on the surface (red), seems to add to this whimsical tradition. Unfortunately, he only does this at a glance. Lost on Mars is a bland and sterile experience that virtually begs you not to see it until the end.

In Lost on Mars Two Far Cry 5 support characters, Nick Rye and Hurk Drubman Jr., Find themselves in an unlikely, high-stakes situation – the stuff for which Far Cry DLC is made . Hurk is heading one way or another towards Mars. Its body parts have been scattered across the planet, which is infested with vicious alien insects. Naturally, he calls his friend Nick to come back together. An animated cinematic shows Nick hauled up to Mars, where he meets Hurk's head and an AI named ANNE, who claims that the Earth will be destroyed if it does not return to Mars' servers.

the DLC is ultimately one of the most generic and boring representations of the red planet.

If the head mate cut seems familiar – hello, God of War – this is not the only riff on another game here. Hurk's consciousness is transferred to a small robot called Brobot, reminiscent of Ghost in Destiny. And even global history, where you are guided by a so-called benevolent AI, takes clues of the original BioShock . Do not worry – it's not really a spoiler. It is clear that ANNE is evil from the start

The configuration of Lost on Mars has potential, but once you've played ten minutes, you've experienced everything. The spacious but empty map is mainly filled with expanses of red and brown desert. Interspersed everywhere are facilities and towers to power on. There are no defined missions; instead, you simply look at your map, mark the next installation, and continue your way.

Each of these goals has a familiar loop. You can either climb a tower using your gravity belt (basically a jetpack), protect a robot while it repairs the power button, or defeat an arachnid Queen, a powerful and durable mother of 39; insects, to feed the station.

I climbed a tower, you put them all on the scale. After defeating a queen, others feel bored. And having defended a bot against a giant army of insects, you will never want to do it again. This certainly does not help that there is very little enemy variety. There are only a few variants of ground spider, each of them flying under the dusty terrain to scratch you. The only other enemy, a flying pterodactyl insect, spits fire while you climb towers.

You are fighting with new sci-fi weapons, but they are almost universally disappointing. Space guns, rifles, shotguns and laser guns all have a punch, but they feel the same way. Besides Nut Hugger (seriously), a weapon that fires homing lasers, the intergalactic arsenal will make you wish for a more traditional weapon game. Worse, space insects do not really react to getting shot at. Combat feels like a complex game of laser etiquette.

Lost on Mars & # 39; single bright spot is Hurk's comment. The Far Cry players have come to know Hurk over the years, as he appeared in Far Cry 3 Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5 . He's just as unintelligent here, spitting an endless stream of inappropriate jokes and absurd jokes – many of which are really funny.

Hurk, however, is not enough to prevent this expansion from becoming too busy. While the decor of the expansion is cool, the DLC is ultimately one of the most generic and boring representations of the red planet.

As the second of the three extensions Far Cry 5 ] Lost on Mars is a good argument to explain why the purchase of the season pbades in advance is a bad idea. Even if you have the season pbad, you'd better save yourself the five hours you need to beat Lost on Mars .

Go knit a sweater instead. It'll be a little less repetitive, and well – you'll have a sweater when you're done.

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