Renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Bumbum & # 39; fleeing to Brazil after the death of a patient


In Brazil, the police hunt a famous plastic surgeon known as Dr. Bumbum after the death of one of his patients a few hours after undergoing an operation at the doctor's office.

Denis Furtado gathered 650,000 Instagram subscribers by posting photos of his work, with the 45-year-old recognized in his homeland for "doing magic" on women's bodies – including their bad.

Following the death of Lilian Quezia Calixto, who undergoes a procedure for the improvement of her bad at her sumptuous apartment in the upscale Barra de Tijuca neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro.

She had traveled more than 1,200 miles from the city of Cuiaba saw Furtado, who allegedly used a controversial acrylic glbad load.

 The procedure was conducted at the surgeon's apartment in Barra da Tijuca. Photo: Barrazine Da Barra / Wikimedia Commons
The procedure was performed in the apartment of the surgeon in Barra da Tijuca. Pic: Barrazine da Barra / Wikimedia Commons

Dozens of deaths among women in Latin America have been put to the use of such synthetic polymers, especially in Venezuela.

Ms. Calixto – a bank manager – began to feel bad after Saturday's injection and was admitted to the hospital with a fast heartbeat, after which she suffered multiple heart attacks and died in the early hours of Sunday.

Local media reports that Furtado's badistant – thought to be his girlfriend – has He was arrested by the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, his president having acknowledged that Niveo Steffen, himself a surgeon renowned plastic artist, told AFP: "The growing invasion of non-specialists in the specialty has caused more and more deaths as

" Many people sell a dream, a fantasy to patients in an unethical manner and people, weakened, are often attracted to low prices, without wondering if "

In addition to the police operation, the Medical Council Also, Furtado seems to have deleted his Instagram account, which had submitted dozens of pre and post photos showing the results of his proceedings.

His social media pages remaining – including Facebook and YouTube profiles – have been flooded with negative comments since the appearance of the allegation.

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