RUSH 2018 eSports Tournament – A look back in the photos


 RUSH eSports Tournament 2018 - A Look Back in Photos
Evan Saunders

T He Rush 2018 eSports Tournament Held at the Sun Arena at Time Square in Pretoria this weekend, June 29 to July 1, 2018. The event takes place 3 weeks earlier than what he did in 2017. Vodacom 4U has come to sponsor three tournaments majors at Rush which included: Fortnite 1 on 1 on mobile, FIFA 18 1 vs. 1 on PS4, and CS: GO 5 on 5 on PC

 RUSH 2018 eSports Tournament - A Return in Pictures

There were also a number of stands to keep your game interests and hobbies at peak levels throughout the weekend, including some coding modes and games, as well as some old school games such as the arcade section Street Fighter ] and pinball tables. One of my favorites, however, was the inclusion of the Codemasters Modsquad area, which allowed potential modders with a chance to design and build (spray paint and tastes) your own modded case, as well as gain some Components Codemasters and

 RUSH eSports Tournament 2018 - Back to the photos

The winners of the respective major tournaments of the weekend were as follows:

FIFA18 Cup:

1. Julio Bianchi
2. Klumsy
3. Zaidy

Fortnite⁠ ⁠Cup:

1. JT Brophy
2. AJ Karaki
3. Sean Kelly

CS Cup: GO:

1. Energy eSports
2. Goliath Gaming
3. Big 5

For up-to-date coverage of events, follow me on Instagram.

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