Saint Lucia, "Walking Away" :: Music :: Features :: St. Lucia :: Paste


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If you're looking for tunes to work on Friday and weekends, look no further than this new Brooklyn St. Lucia group banger. "Walking Away" is the band's latest offer since their release in 1945 Matter and if you do not dance, what are you doing?

St. Lucia is the original idea of ​​the South African transplant Jean-Philip Grobler, and they write the most lush and stratified synth-pop that this Earth has to offer. "Walking Away" is no exception, with its drum machine rhythms, self-tuned saxophone and vocals overlaid on the chorus. And even if the song has a running time of 4:04, there is no mistake here, because it is certain that you will play air-synth from your office.

The group also announced that its new album Hyperion will be released on September 21 via Columbia Records. You can listen to "Walking Away" below and review our conversation with Grobler from 2016 here.

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