Samsung could choose to merge its Galaxy S and Note series in 2019 – Technology News, Firstpost


This may sound very strange, but as we approach the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 a new report tends to suggest that Samsung may well be on the verge of merging it with two flagship smartphone lineup – the Galaxy S lineup and the Galaxy Note series.

 Samsung Galaxy Note 8. Image: tech2 / Rehan Hooda

Samsung Galaxy Note 8. Image: tech2 / Rehan Hooda

According to a Korean publication, named The Bell is Samsung's vice president, Jay Lee, who intends to merge the two ranges of smartphones and his reasons make a lot of sense. According to the report Chinese suppliers are withdrawing a mbadive share of Samsung's market share when it comes to budget and midrange devices. At the same time, leading buyers are also frowned upon by the ever-increasing prices for incremental updates.

In fact, Samsung is apparently waiting to sell 12 million units of the Galaxy Note 9, which represents only 1 million additional goals This means that the note 9 will likely include updates to essentially incremental days, which would not make much sense to most users.

There are also Samsung reports coming up with three variants of Galaxy S10 in 2019 instead of the usual two. With the three S10 variants with different sizes of display, it might be wise to reduce the output of a series Note later in the year.

If Samsung decides to follow this path, we could see the larger version of the S10. also present an S-Pen next year, to fill in for the note. The move will save the company a considerable amount, which it can choose to channel into its budget and mid-range segment.

However, these arguments are still speculative and Samsung is formally still announcing or mentioning something of the kind

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