Saudi Arabia would ban 47 video games as a result of alleged suicides of two children


The Associated Press reports that Saudi Arabia will ban a list of video games following the alleged suicide of two children. Children are thought to have been encouraged to do so after playing the "Blue Whale" social media game.

As reported by the AP (via, the Saudi General Commission for Audiovisual Media has announced its intention to ban 47 popular games, including Grand Theft Auto 5, The Witcher and Assbadin & Creed 2. The AP says it plans to do it "for unspecified violations of the rules and regulations."

The proposed sanctions would be in response to the death of a 13-year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy who would have taken their own lives after participating in the Blue Whale Challenge – a media phenomenon which gives players 50 days to complete a series of tasks, crowned by suicide. The AP says however that the agency has not confirmed that it was responsible for the children's deaths.

We have contacted the Saudi General Commission for Audiovisual Media and will update them as we go.

If you have mental health problems, here are some useful contacts:

British Samaritans: 116,123 (free call from landlines and mobiles)
: 1 -800-273-8255
International Directory of Suicide Prevention

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