Say goodbye to motion sickness with these glasses


The French car manufacturer Citroën presents Seetroën, the first glbades designed to eliminate motion sickness in a few minutes. They are available for purchase for 99 € (about 1,575 Rs.)

The Seetroën glbades use a technology developed by the French start-up, Boarding Ring. The concept is surprisingly simple: the glbades contain a colored liquid that recreates the horizon line to resolve the conflict between the senses.

For glbades to work, unlucky travelers should put them in place as soon as they begin to experience the first symptoms of motion sickness. After about 10 minutes, the glbades allow the mind to resynchronize with the movement perceived by the inner ear. The user can then remove the glbades and enjoy the rest of his trip.

WATCH | Seetroën glbades that cure motion sickness

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