Schoolgirl to undergo surgery to remove the "twin" sister from the chest


Just when you thought he could not have a stranger, you might want to read further.

A 14-year-old girl from the Philippines is about to be operated on to remove her parasitic "twin". According to Daily Mail, Veronica's sister Cominguez failed to fully develop and she was forced to live with some of her "twin" on her torso. Over the years, she grew up on her – literally! It is said that she had to clean her "twin" and even cut off the nails that grow from her stomach.

Generous local residents have ambaded money to send it to Thailand to do the procedure to remove additional coins. It is reported that Veronica must also deal with blood and a liquid with the vile odor that flows from growth. I can only imagine the embarrbadment and shame that this 14 year old girl had to endure daily!

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But, fortunately, she will soon live a normal life without having to worry about looks and looks.

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