Seychelles revises mental health law


The mentally ill in Seychelles will now have a say in how they are treated and will be able to appeal decisions that they do not approve in a court of their own, the Minister said. of Health. This week, a revised law on mental health should replace an old version criticized for its obsolete and oppressive.

"Patients with mental illness will now have more rights under the new law and will be more actively involved in their treatment.

Commonwealth experts and consultants have argued that the current law does not comply with the United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which Seychelles has ratified

. The rights of people with intellectual disability are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles, but this is not the case, "said an expert from a panel that examined the old law [19659005]. Their will, tied to their bed, handcuffed and subjected to other inhuman treatment. And unfortunately, these practices have become part of our culture, as a society, in general, has been made to accept them as a way to "control" people with mental disorders, "said the expert.

should be presented to the National Assembly of the island nation – the legislative body – for discussion and approval No timetable has been announced

Adam agreed that the current law is defective and does not necessarily protect the rights of people with mental disorders. "New Mental Health Law Will Recognize Patients' Fundamental Rights to Participate in Treatment While Providing for Health Professional to Make Decisions" The basis of this law is to place the right of our fellow citizens with mental illness at the center of all the provisions and this means – like all patients – that the patient is unfit to do so. "In the public health system, they will also be involved one way or another in their own treatment, "added the minister.

The new law will govern how patients are diagnosed in public and private hospitals and will take into account the risks they may pose for themselves and for those around them

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