South Africa nearly doubles the annual quota of lion bones exported for traditional Chinese medicine


The growing trade of lion bones in South Africa should be halted, and lions and tigers in breeding and breeding should be curbed, advocated environmental advocates

. The number of lion bones that can be exported has almost doubled.

Bones are widely sold to Asian markets to be used in virility products and traditional medicines

The news of the quota elicited outrage, animal welfare activists and organizations directly calling on President Cyril Ramaphosa, saying the move would accelerate the fall of wild lion populations by stoking poaching and would undermine efforts to reduce demand. drugs.

The Foundation for the Conservation of EMS in South Africa and the Ban Animal Trading Group, which produced the report The Extinction Business argue that the skeleton industry should be dismantled and that investigations should be launched

He also identified flaws in the CITES bone export licensing system

The controversial trade in bone lion began in the country ten years ago, and it is now the largest lion bone exporter to Asia – mainly to Thailand, Vietnam and Laos, where the bones are ground to make drugs and wine, which is wrongly considered as a health drink

on the use of tiger body parts for Chinese medicine.

Trophy hunters travel to South Africa to shoot lions bred in captivity especially for hunting and bone activities. Up to 8,000 lions are kept in more than 200 breeding establishments "on the hunt". But experts believe that they contribute to fueling wildlife trafficking by creating a demand.

Between 2008 and 2015, the South African Department of Environmental Affairs issued permits for the export of more than 5,363 lion skeletons, showed research. Last year, the company reported about 16 million South African rands (908,000 pounds sterling), according to the Captured in Africa Foundation

The main recommendations of the new report are:

  • A zero export quota for lion and other big cats A forensic investigation of the financial affairs of all lion breeders and bone traders
  • Restricting breeding and l 39; rearing of big cats
  • Reviewing and improving legislation on the protection and welfare of animals [19659016] Ensuring that the protection, welfare, care and respect of animals are provided for by law , especially with regard to permits for the custody, sale, hunting and export of wild animals and body parts

1,500 lion skeletons for export, almost double the quota of 800 from the previous year.

Linda Tucker, Founder and Director of the Global White Lion Protection Trust, wrote a heartfelt message.

"Factory farming of lions to kill is not a policy that South Africa can defend, neither the old nor the new South Africa," wrote it

"By the time I write to you, 1,500 of our lions, incarcerated in abysmal conditions, have been sent to slaughterhouses in the" Free State. "

"Once vilified for apartheid, our country will go down in history to legalize crimes against nature that replace the wrongs perpetrated by the illegal trade in animal parts.

"For our international reputation and our true moral compbad, I ask you wholeheartedly to abolish this heinous legacy."

The South African government has justified trade in bones as a byproduct of "l & # 39; 39; hunting industry "and claimed that the increase in quotas was motivated by a growing stock.

Spokesman Albi Modise said Research Project established by the National Institute of Biodiversity of SA with the University of Oxford and the University of Kent, according to which there was no noticeable increase in poaching of wild lions, although it was not possible to find any information on the subject. there appears to be an increase in the poaching of captive lions. But the ra Extinction Business indicates that in calculating the weight of shipments, experts estimate that exporters exceed export quotas – not controlled by Cites.

He stated that the industry is de facto state, "in spite of widespread opposition to the practice considered extremely cruel, linked to international criminal networks, a threat to the people of Africa. African wild animals and run by a small monopoly of operators for purely financial purposes ".

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Chimpanzees are forced to perform scornful turns on leashes and are often prone to flooding techniques. training. Animals that are confined to small sterile enclosures and forced to behave without surprise show symptoms of stress and depression. Chimpanzees sway, sucking their lips, salivating and swaying against the perimeters of the distressed pen.

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3/9 Tiger Shows

Tigers are forced to live in a natural and barren environment and undergo interactions with a steady stream of tourists. Since tigers never lose their wild instinct, they would be drugged, mutilated and restricted around the world to make them "safe" for the public. However, every year, tiger tiger incidents are reported at this type of tourist attraction.

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Some parks confine orcas to concrete tanks and force them to perform uninteresting sleight of hand – many die in captivity. Orcs are very intelligent and social mammals that can suffer tremendously, physically and mentally, when they are held in captivity.

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6/9 Canned Hunting

Lions are confined in fenced areas. so that they can easily be cornered without any chance of escape. Most of them will have been bred in captivity and then removed to their mothers to be raised by hand by the plush industry. When they become too fat, they may be drugged before being released into a "hunt" pen. Because these animals are usually kept in fenced enclosures (ranging from a few square meters to thousands of acres), they have no chance of surviving.

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7/9 Bulls

Every year, tourists travel to Pamplona for the bull race. Bulls that are forced to slide down and down the narrow cobbled streets of the city are pursued directly in the arena. They are then mocked, stabbed several times and finally killed by the matador in front of a mocking crowd. The majority of Spaniards reject bullfighting, but tourists keep the cruel industry on its last legs.

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8/9 Horse Car

The streets of the city are not a place for horses. The animals work in all extreme weather, suffering from respiratory distress due to the inhalation of exhaust gas, as well as many problems with hooves, legs and back due to walking on the roadway all over the place. day. Like easily frightened prey animals, horses subject to loud noises and unexpected noises from city streets are likely to be involved in even fatal crashes.

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9/9 Zoos

The zoo community considers the animals it keeps as merchandise and animals are regularly bought, sold, borrowed and traded without regard to established relationships. Zoos breed animals because the presence of babies attracts visitors and increases income, but often there is no room for offspring and they are killed, as we have seen recently with Marius the giraffe in Denmark. Some zoos have introduced parties with music and alcohol that further disrupt the incarcerated animals.


1/9 Monkey Shows

Chimpanzees are forced to perform despising turns on a leash and are often subjected to cruel training techniques. Animals that are confined to small sterile enclosures and forced to behave without surprise show symptoms of stress and depression. Chimpanzees sway, sucking their lips, salivating and swaying against the perimeters of the distressed pen.

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2/9 Swimming with Dolphins

Some marine parks use bottlenose dolphins in shows and offer visitors the opportunity to swim with dolphins. Unfortunately, people are often unaware that these animals are captured in the wild and torn from their families or traded between different parks around the world.

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3/9 Tiger Shows

Tigers are forced to live in a natural and barren environment and undergo interactions with a constant stream of tourists. Since tigers never lose their wild instinct, they would be drugged, mutilated and restricted around the world to make them "safe" for the public. However, every year, tiger tiger incidents are reported at this type of tourist attraction.

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4/9 Donkey Rides

The sun on the beach is great for humans – we can take a quick dip or grab a bite to eat when we are too hot or hungry. But it's a real hell for donkeys who are confined to the beach and forced to pick up kids on the hot sand. Some donkey operators at UK seaside resorts even keep animals chained at all times.

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5/9 Marine Parks

Some parks confine orcas to concrete tanks and force them to carry out uninteresting sleight of hand – many die in captivity. Orcs are very intelligent and social mammals that can suffer tremendously, physically and mentally, when they are in captivity.

Getty Images

6/9 Canned Hunting

Lions are confined in fenced areas. so that they can easily be cornered without any chance of escape. Most of them will have been bred in captivity and then removed to their mothers to be raised by hand by the plush industry. When they become too fat, they may be drugged before being released into a "hunt" pen. Because these animals are usually kept in fenced enclosures (ranging from a few square meters to thousands of acres), they have no chance of surviving.

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7/9 Bulls

Every year, tourists travel to Pamplona for the bull race. Bulls that are forced to slide down and down the narrow cobbled streets of the city are pursued directly in the arena. They are then mocked, stabbed several times and finally killed by the matador in front of a mocking crowd. The majority of Spaniards reject bullfighting, but tourists keep the cruel industry on its last legs.

Getty Images

8/9 Horse Cars

The streets of the city are not a place for horses. The animals work in all extreme weather, suffering from respiratory distress due to the inhalation of exhaust gas, as well as many problems with hooves, legs and back due to walking on the roadway all over the place. day. Like easily frightened prey animals, horses subject to loud noises and unexpected noises from city streets are likely to be involved in even fatal crashes.

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9/9 Zoos

The zoo community considers the animals it keeps as merchandise, and animals are regularly bought, sold, borrowed and traded irrespective of established relationships. Zoos breed animals because the presence of babies attracts visitors and increases income, but often there is no room for offspring and they are killed, as we have seen recently with Marius the giraffe in Denmark. Some zoos have introduced parties with music and alcohol that further disrupt the incarcerated animals.


The campaign against canned hunting believes that bone trading is one of the many damaging activities involving lions: the others are captive breeding, cubs, volunteering and walks of lions. Travers, said earlier this year: "Nonconformist tourists fuel this despicable industry by participating in activities such as cubs and lions, while unsuspecting volunteers make turtles thinking that they are destined to be released in nature. Once adults, many of these animals are moved to canned hunting facilities to be slaughtered in pens by "sports hunters". Their bones are then sold in an international trade sanctioned by the South African government. "

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