South African musician Ali Katt is dead


The famous South African musician Ali Katt is dead. He died at the age of 60 after a long illness.

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The family spokesman, Jacky Mathala, said that the singer's health had deteriorated since he had had a stroke there are four years

. It was at this point that he began to slow down, "said Mathala


Ali Katt (born in Alexandra, a suburb of Johannesburg) started singing in the 1970s and started singing for The Minerals in 1979. He then met singer Godfrey Nzuza who helped him to launch his solo career

He made a name with "Let the Good Times Roll" which appeared on his first album "Have Mercy" in 1987. In 1988, he released Killer, a tribute to the binoculars of Mathibela, the album "Liar"


After a long musical break, he made his comeback with Ali Katt and the Biggs duet and the Township Boy album. The singer's memorial service will take place Thursday in Tembisa, Johannesburg, while his funeral is scheduled to Saturday. The musician is survived by his sister and two children.

His memorial service will be held on Thursday at Sam Hlalele Hall in Tembisa. His funeral service will be at the same place on Saturday at 9am, from where everyone proceed to the cemetery.

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