South Sudan: U.S Deeply Concerned Over South Sudan Peace Process


The United States is expressing deep concern about the leadership of the peace process in South Sudan, saying President Salva Kiir and opposition leader Riek Machar "have not demonstrated the leadership required to bring genuine peace and accountable governance" to the nation. 19659002] "We remain skeptical that they can oversee a peaceful and timely transition to democracy and good governance," a statement by White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said about Kiir and Machar.

South Sudan's independence from neighboring Sudan in 2011, but in late 2013 erupted into violence over a power struggle between President Kiir and his deputy, Machar.

The warring parities, a meeting in Khartoum last week,

"The South Sudanese people are suffering from violence and a future marked by prosperity We are committed to supporting the South Sudanese people, and we continue to share their aspirations for a peaceful and prosperous tomorrow, "White House Press Sanders said Secretary

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