Southern Africa ends up attacking HIV


Amsterdam – More than three-quarters of HIV-positive Namibians have a virus rate so low in their bodies that they are "suppressed", making Namibia the first country in Africa to achieve this goal

Bernard Haufiku told the International AIDS Conference that the results were based on a household survey of 23,000 Namibians.

"We are on the right track"

The overall goal of UNAIDS The percentage of people on antiretroviral therapy should be virally suppressed by 2020, but Namibia had already exceeded this target three years earlier, with 77% of people being virally suppressed

"This means we are on the right track.This is also a prevention," said Mr Haufiku, referring the fact that people with viral suppression are no longer contagious and very unlikely to transmit HIV to others.

Namibia has managed to reduce by 50% eSwatini (Swaziland) has managed to reduce its rate of new HIV infections by 44% since 2011 by offering all people living with HIV immediate access to ARVs – an approach called "universal testing and treatment". . In the past, people living with HIV had to wait for their CD4 count to drop before they could receive antiretrovirals.

"This is the first time that prevention treatment is effective, not only in a research setting but also Dr. Velephi Okello, of the Department of Health of eSwatini

The return of the epidemic in Africa

South Africa also reduced its rates of new infections by 44%, according to the HSRC Household study Meanwhile, a study from Botswana reported that A set of interventions, including expanded HIV testing, prior treatment, and male circumcision, have reduced new HIV infections by 30% over a 30-month period.

"It's great to receive good news from southern Africa, the region I come from," said Professor Linda-Gail Bekker, President of the International AIDS Society. and the International AIDS Chair 2018.

presented today highlight both the urgent need and the opportunity to invest in expanded HIV prevention and treatment programs that can make to reverse the epidemic in Africa. "

However, Unicef ​​warned that 9.6 million young people aged 15 to 24" About two-thirds of them will be girls or young women ", said Aleya Khalifa of Unicef ​​

"Young people in sub-Saharan Africa will need better access to HIV prevention, badual and reproductive health and targeted testing services. "- Health-e News.

Kerry Cullinan

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