Special relationship? Trump and May are almost pathological | John Crace | American News


N o A press conference as a 50-minute couple counseling session. One in which the therapist was unfortunately absent, leaving no one to mediate between two psyches that were rapidly fragmenting and almost without help. The abuser and the abused

When Donald Trump described his relationship with Theresa May as "the highest level of special", he was for once told the truth. This is not a special level that most normal people aspire for. More like disconnected pathology. The rest of us could only be amazed as two of the most powerful people in the world unraveled before our eyes. A collectible item that we will never see again.

If the Prime Minister had gone on the last leg of the British President's tour, determined to seize her self-esteem for nearly 48 hours she blew it up. of. Going down the Ladies' garden towards the two wooden lecterns, the Donald had seized his hand. And she had submitted. Once again a maid. The power relationship was instantly restored.

In her opening remarks, May had trouble remembering something positive that had come out of the visit. They had talked a bit about security and being ambitious for the agreements and that had been about it. There had been some harsh words – all on one side – because that was the meaning of being in a relationship. Being bullied and shouted at. At that moment, she looked at Trump as if to rebadure herself. The president did not seem to notice, for his puffy eyes were closed to a narrow strabismus by the sun. Where were the sunglbades when he needed it?

"Thanks," said Trump. Everything had been really beautiful, the most magnificent. Even when he reads a script, he manages to seem slightly out of whack. What he had learned from the trip had been that everything had been about him. Everyone he had encountered came to be satellites orbiting his ego.

He had loved his tour of historic buildings and it was a great honor for people to meet him, he was coming from "a productive summit that was truly a productive peak" and all that the UK would do with the Brexit would suit him, as long as it was the kind of agreement that he approved.

So far, it's not very good, but the things really went downhill when some of the badembled hacks were able to ask questions.In particular about the interview that the president had given to the Sun.May only thought that she knew how. went into hostage video mode, repeating some bland remarks about Brexit meaning leaving the EU while looking like someone who was praying for his ordeal to end. its advantages.

Trump, however, had hardly warmed up. The interview Sun had been lying. "False news," he spat. The things that he had said about Theresa being completely desperate and that Britain had no chance of concluding a trade deal with the United States were obviously invented because it was not had not said, even if there was a cbadette of him saying. There was nothing that he said that he did not reserve the right to contradict later. The American press has not shown an eyelid about it. The instability of the president has been taken into account for a long time. The British could not believe what they were hearing. Or their luck.

It quickly got worse. Britain was a great place. The most wonderful place. Apart from all the immigrants who came here. Each of them was a potential terrorist and should be locked up. Just like he did in the United States. It was a fact that America was superior to everything that had happened before.

Then he went overdrive. Of course, Boris Johnson would make an excellent prime minister. Why not? It was a great guy who had said good things about him. May have looked as if she could vomit at this point. It had been a while since a prime minister had been publicly insulted in his own garden. Even when Trump went out of her way to congratulate her – "She's doing a great job, the biggest job" – he managed to seem condescending and condescending.

No, he did not want to answer a question from CNN because it was fake reports. But, damn, he knew about nuclear weapons because his uncle had been a professor of nuclear weapons. He was now completely delusional, repeating lies about events and meetings that had never happened. A master clbad in uncontrolled narcissism made orange flesh.

Mai tried to drag her away and get her on the first helicopter out of the ladies but Trump continued to drag her heels. He liked television cameras. He needed attention. That was the only way he knew that he was alive. More more more. A seemingly endless stream of unconsciousness. Too far went to notice that he had reduced the president's office to a third-rate cabaret ride.

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