Steam is the answer to the tobacco bill?


The Ministry of Health officially released its tobacco bill for public comment.

Among the proposals – the ban on smoking in certain public areas and the removal of any signage on cigarette packaging outside the mark and warning stickers.

The bill also aims to regulate electronic smoking, with the possible introduction of a ban on vaping inside.

This is a health reason. You do not want to expose people to second-hand smoke and second-hand smoke. It's just a risk to public health.

Peter Ucko, CEO Advisory Group on Tobacco, Alcohol and Gambling, Advocacy and Action Group

READ: Tobacco Bill Endangers 180,000 Jobs – JTI

Let's call a cat a cat not a shovel. It's not just a cloud of smoke, it's a dense cloud of toxic chemicals that are dangerous to public health.

Peter Ucko, CEO, Advisory Group, Advocacy and Action Against Tobacco, Alcohol and Gambling

However, the co-founder of the Harm Reduction Alliance Africa, Kgosi Letlape, believes that vaping should not be banned. : Smokers who pay R10 for a package we all smoke.

In other markets such as the United Kingdom, vaping is considered useful and advocates that the electronic cigarette be prescribed by doctors to smokers. t quit.

Dr. Kgosi Letlape, co-founder of the Africa Harm Reduction Alliance

Listen to the objections to electronic cigarettes …

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