Take care of your skin this winter


Velisha Thompson, of the E Region Health Department of the City of Johannesburg, advises on skin care in winter.

Velisha Thompson of the City of Johannesburg writes:

The winter brings many changes to our hair and to our skin. Rehydration (plenty of water, fresh juices and herbal teas) is needed to keep the skin moist and prevent dryness.

Cold weather depletes the skin of natural moisture and the skin is dry and tense. It can also be itchy or scaly if it is not supported. The skin plays an important role because it is the body's first line of defense against bacterial infection if there are tears or cracks on the skin.

Use mild products on your skin, avoid hard soaps. Wear natural clothing such as silk and cotton, but wool can irritate your skin. Dry brushing before bathing or showering eliminates dead cells and allows your moisturizer to penetrate your skin better.

Avoid long hot baths and showers and apply a moisturizer as soon as you dry. There is no need to use expensive moisturizers. Buy moisturizers that are free of alcohol and perfume. Exercise also allows the blood to circulate and improves circulation. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables also helps from the inside.

There are many skin conditions that can be quite painful. One of them is eczema. Eczema is caused by inflammation accompanied by redness and itching. Many Joburgers suffer from eczema. One of the reasons is due to Joburg's cold, dry weather. Eczema can also be hereditary.

Other causes of eczema:

  • Heat
  • Lotions with strong odor
  • Dry skin
  • Cold
  • Allergens
  • Stress is also one of the main causes of eczema. eczema
  • Lotions too hard for your skin type
  • Showers or hot or prolonged baths.

Many things in your environment can cause eczema flares such as cigarette smoke, certain types of food, pollen, clothing, and your moisturizer.

The correct moisturizer is an essential treatment for eczema. Hard soaps also trigger eczema. Do not take bubble baths. Establishing a daily skin care routine will keep the eczema out of the way.

Do not scrape or sting on dry skin as this may cause other outbreaks or infections. Be wary of lifestyle changes, limit alcohol and cigarettes, and take care of what you eat.

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