Tanzania: TID confesses to having met Diamond Platnumz's ex


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Tanzanian bongo star TID revealed that he dated actress Wema Sepetu before Diamond Platinumz was with her.

The singer, in an interview with Ebru TV, says that he even composed and recorded hit Nyota Yangu as a love song to Sepetu who later abandoned him.

Sepetu was at the time Miss Tanzania 2006, a title that shaped his acting career.

TID said that he was really in love with Sepetu and his songs are motivated by real life events, he sang the hit for her.

Few weeks before the interview of Ebru TV, TID had on Wasafi TV boasting how Sepetu had been thrown at him because he was a celebrity.

After her bitter break with the model, she tried to revive their love, but he had already moved on.

There had been rumors for years that both were dated but none of them confirmed it. = false;
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