Thai boys: trauma could torment them for a long time, says psychologist


The rescue mission of 12 boys and their football coach ended Tuesday when they were released from the soggy cave of Tham Luang in northern Thailand.

A Thai public health official confirmed that boys were healthy and in good spirits

Physical and psychological effects

Dr. Jesada Chokdumrongsuk, Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Health Public health said that two of the boys may have lung infections, but that they are usually "healthy and smiling."

Two boys are treated for pneumonia and six for hypothermia.

"These boys are treated All boys suffered from hypothermia on arrival at the hospital," Dr. Chokdumrongsuk revealed.

But the physical effects of their ordeal are not the only thing to consider – the mental and psychological effects of being trapped in a cave drenched with water for more than two weeks can not be underestimated.

Dr. Nthabiseng Ramothwala, a counseling psychologist, explains how this kind of scenario can have long-term effects.

"The first feeling should be a sense of relief because of the simple fact that they are alive and surviving this traumatic ordeal," says Dr. Ramothwala, but when reality comes into play, and that 39, they reflect on the time spent trapped in the cavern, trauma can result.

"The trauma they will face is psychological, because they will spend days rehashing what could have happened." The possibility to lose one's life, to drown under the water, to be attacked by animals in the cave, or the possibility of not being found can remind them of what could have happened if the divers n & # 39; They had not come to their aid, "says Dr. Ramothwala

It is likely that boys may be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) because of the situation they were facing.

They may develop a feeling of fear of similar fences, dark rooms, swimming or just a fear of the ocean.

They may suffer from PTSD, and similar situations or events may remind them of the two weeks they spent trapped in a cave.

"They may develop a fear of water, being under water may make them aware of the power of water," says Dr. Ramothwala

although It is likely that boys suffer from post-traumatic stress, each individual will have different symptoms, she explains. "Trauma can occur at different times for each individual, and each boy will have his or her own experience with trauma. "

What is PTSD?

PTSD is a type of anxiety that emerges According to the South African Group of Depression and Pregnancy Anxiety (SADAG), PTSD is a "debilitating disease that follows a traumatic event." PTSD is often misunderstood and undiagnosed in children and adults as traumatic events such as domestic violence, loss of life, and other medical conditions. a parent or natural disasters can have this kind of impact on the s.


SADAG reports that symptoms of PTSD may appear a few weeks after the traumatic experience. ience. PTSD is diagnosed after the person's symptoms have persisted for more than three months after a traumatic event. Other symptoms that may accompany PTSD include depression, anxiety, and social withdrawal.


It is important that people with PTSD receive cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

According to the South African Journal of Psychiatry, the prevalence of PTSD among the South African population is estimated at 2.3%

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Tauhira Dean [19659029]

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