The 2019 polls will cost N242bn, Buhari told the Assembly – Punch Newspapers


Olalekan Adetayo, Ade Adesomoju, and Leke Baiyewu, Abuja

President Muhammadu Buhari presented an additional budget to the National Assembly in which he sought approval of $ 164 billion of the $ 242 billion intended for the general elections of 2019. [19659003BuhariadéclaréquelaCommissionElectoraleNationaleIndépendanteetlesagencesdesécuritéauraientbesoindeN242bnpourlesélectionsdemandantàlalégislaturedefournirN164bnparvirementdanslebudgetoulasupplémentationde2018tandisquelerestedeNbbnseraitcouvertparlebudget2019[19659003]in his letter to the & # 39; national Assembly, entitled "Request for additional budget and transfer 2018", specifically asked the legislature to reallocate a portion of the 578 billion N to the bills included in the 2018 law by the legislators to finance the elections

The President expressly asked the legislature not to increase the current size the finance law for 2018 from N9.21tn but to transfer N228bn from the N578bn to elections as well as critical projects as previously proposed by the executive in the 2018 finance bill.

The President of the Senate, Bukola Saraki, read the proposal to the plenary on Tuesday.

The INEC will spend N189.2bn; NSAO, N4.2bn; DSS, N12bn; NSDC, N3.5bn; Police, 30.5 billion euros; NIS; 2bn

Giving the breakdown of operating costs for the polls, Buhari indicated INEC needed N143, 512, 529, 445 for 2018 additional and N45, 695, 015,438 in the 2019 budget, totaling N189, 207, 544, 893.

The national security adviser's office also had an additional $ 385,55,000,000 for 2012 and $ 4,260,000 in the budget for 1928,500,000 [19659003]. The Department of State Services expects N2,903,638,000 in 2018 and N9,309,644,455 in 2019, for a total of 12,213,282,455.

The Security Corps and Nigeria's civil defense system needs 1,845,597,000 N in 2018 and 1,727,997,500 N in the 2019 budget, or 3,573,534,500 NRAs. An additional 457,417,432 in 2018 and 19,083,900,000 in budget 2019, for a total of 30,541,317,432 N.

The Nigerian Immigration Service also needs 2,628,143,320 N2, of which N530, 110,078 would come from 2018 additional and N2, 098.033.142 from 2019 b Buhari said: "As you know, the 2019 general election is to be held early in the year 2019. In order to ensure that adequate arrangements are made for free and fair elections, it has become necessary for competent agencies to start preparations.NECI and security agencies have therefore recently submitted their applications.These were submitted to the usual budget estimate The total cost of the election is estimated at N254 445 322 600.

"However, in accordance with the fiscal constraints in force, I propose that the sum of N164, 104, 792, 065 be provided by transfer or supplementation . of the 2018 budget. I propose that the balance of N78, 340, 530, 535, mainly related to staff allowances, supplies and other expenses not required up to the election proper, be included in their budget. 2019. "

The President said the critical projects, of which legislators have introduced 6,403 projects in the budget for NZ 578 billion.

Buhari said:" You have been cut by lawmakers, N64bn required, asking that the amount should also be removed from the allocation to the inserted projects. I will also recall that when I signed the Appropriations Act of 2018, I indicated the need to reinstate certain cuts made to certain essential projects provided for in the original bill. I therefore submit to your attention the reinstatement of the most critical of these reductions, namely 64,749,216, of which 150 summarized on page 1.

"The total amount to be provided in the 2018 budget for 2019 N228, 854, 800, 215. The implementation of a N9.12tn budget for 2018 is extremely difficult and, therefore, I do not consider it appropriate to propose another increase to the size of the 2018 Expenditure Framework to fund these very expenses.

"Accordingly, I invite the distinguished Senate to consider, in the national interest, to shift some of the funds allocated to new projects that were inserted in the Draft Budget 2018 to a total amount of N 578 319 951 904 to cover the sum of N228, 854, 800, 205 required as indicated above.

"A calendar listing These included projects are attached to this letter to facilitate your review In addition to the above, please find attached an additional budget and a transfer proposal for your consideration."

The two chambers of the National Assembly had voted the 2018 finance bill on May 16, 2018. The legislature had increased the budget of N8. 612tn as proposed by the executive at N9.12tn.

Legislators had stated that the additional N508bn was based on the agreement between the executive and the legislature based on the increase in crude oil prices, which led to the lifting of oil [19659003] However, the President, while approving the bill on June 20, complained about the adjustments made to the estimates by the legislator


President promises free and fair elections in 2019

In the meantime, Buhari promised on Tuesday to do everything possible to ensure that the general elections of 2019 are free, fair and peaceful.

to prevent the violence that characterized the 2011 elections that required investigations by the International Criminal Court.

Buhari made the promise in his keynote speech at the solemn hearing to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the ICC's Rome Statute in The Hague. 19659003] Dozens of Nigerians have been killed in parts of the country as a result of the violence that erupted after the 2011 elections in Nigeria.

But the President badured the ICC that this would not happen under his watch.

said: "Let me tell you that Nigeria is preparing to hold general elections in 2019.

" Contrary to the tragic incidents that characterized the 2011 general elections in Nigeria that required For preliminary inquiries of the International Criminal Court, I badure you that all hands are on the bridge to prevent such tragic incidents from happening again.

"We will do our utmost to ensure that Nigeria witnesses free, fair and peaceful elections." 2019. "

Buhari called on States Parties to support the ICC with jurisdiction over grave cases of corruption and illicit financial flows by state actors.

He added, "A strong and effective ICC has the potential to send a powerful message about the international community's commitment to accountability, a message that will be heard at once. by victims and perpetrators. "19659003" "Similarly, a strong and effective ICC demonstrates the international community's commitment to the rule of law. An effective ICC can also serve as a catalyst for other justice efforts, broadening the scope of accountability.

"This could include serious cases of corruption Actors who seriously jeopardize countries' development efforts and put citizens in greater poverty.

" This could also include cases of illicit financial flows where countries are complicit and hinder the repatriation of stolen property. As the champion of the African Union on the fight against corruption, these are issues that are close to my heart. "

The President thanked the judges of the Court for electing a Nigerian, Chile Eboe-Osuji, President Mr. Buhari recalled that the tribunal was established 20 years ago as a court International, inspired by the Nuremberg trials against war criminals of the Second World War, to hold people accountable for their crimes, crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide and aggression.

He noted that the ICC had given the hope of obtaining justice for many by demanding strict compliance with the rules of international humanitarian law

.He said that the country had demonstrated through its cooperation full and transparent on the issues he was investigating and also in the statements of several countries he made during the session.

The Nigerian President is the only President invited to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the 39, adoption of the Statute t Rome of the ICC

More than 25 senior state officials, the President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute, O-Gon Kwon; Prosecutor of the ICC, Fatou Bensouda; Registrar of the ICC, Peter Lewis; UN Legal Counsel, Miguel de Serpa Soares;

The Coalition urges the ICC to attack Buhari for the murders

The Nigerian Coalition for the International Criminal Court, a civil society concerned with the advocacy of the domestication of the Criminal Court international. On Tuesday, the Rome Statute accused the prosecutor of the court, Fatou Bensouda, of engaging visiting president Muhammadu Buhari over the mbadacres in Nigeria.

The coalition also asked the ICC prosecutor to hire Buhari Part of the country's security agencies, while calling on the Nigerian government to join the fight against impunity and domesticate the Rome Statute.

Buhari went to the ICC in The Hague on Sunday for the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the court through its Rome Statute.

The NCICC, in a statement jointly signed by its chairman, Mr. Chinonye Obiagwu; and his Vice President, Dr. Abiola Akiode-Afolabi, congratulated the court, which they said needed to be supported in the face of growing global violations of human rights and human rights.

The coalition noted that Nigeria has not yet domesticated Rome. Status, although subject to preliminary examination by the ICC due to the armed conflict between Boko Haram and Nigerian security agencies and various crimes committed in the Niger Delta region

While calling on the ICC prosecutor to seize the opportunity. The NCICC also urged the Nigerian government to domesticate the Rome Statute and prosecute those involved in "flagrant and frequent violations"

. The NCICC stresses that in the rise of global violations of humanitarian law and human rights, there is no better time to support "To ensure a more just world, it is important that states encourage cooperation with the ICC by controlling and applying the complementarity provisions of the Rome Statute in their domestic legislation and by prosecuting international crimes committed on their territory. "Despite the inclusion of Nigeria as a preliminary country due to the armed conflict between Boko Haram and the Nigerian security and various crimes committed in the Niger Delta region, the country continues to be a victim of human rights violations. human rights and violations of international law

"It is imperative at this time for the Nigerian Government to uphold justice, to domesticate the Rome Statute and to prosecute these gross and frequent violations." 19659003 "Like the President Buhari attends the Rome Statute event at 20, We urge ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to engage the president on the continuation of the mbadacres in the north and north of the country. The coalition noted that the ICC had so far had 26 cases, issued 32 arrest warrants and issued a verdict in six cases, with eight convictions and two convictions. acquittals, the most recent being that of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo

He added that Nigeria, although a State Party to the ICC, had since the presentation of its instrument of ratification on 27 September 2001, failed to domesticate Rome. Status in domestic law in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of the 1999 Constitution.

"The Rome Statute, which is the founding treaty of the International Criminal Court, gives the court the power to exercise its jurisdiction over international crimes, namely: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression, "said the coalition statement.

He added:" NCICC calls on the Nigerian government to join the fight against the impunted. and reiterates the need for the National Assembly to speed up the domestication of the draft Rome Statute which will be submitted to a public hearing on July 18, 2018. "

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