The agreement reached on the transport of Turkana oil truck


Turkana leaders agreed to let the crude oil leave the county after a meeting with the top regional security officials.

Secretary of Cabinet John Munyes

He was called a week after locals blocked the transport of more oil to Mombasa to protest growing insecurity and lack of jobs [19659004]. Regional Rift coordinator Val-ley Mongo Chimwanga and Mr. Munyes, Governor Turkana Josephat Nanok and other elected officials said that Tullow Oil is free to continue transporting oil

Angry residents backed by the MPs Mohammed Ali Lokiru (Turkana East) and James Lomenen (South Turkana) last week blocked five trucks destined for Mombasa in Kalemngorok along the Lokichar-Kapenguria highway

They demanded that the government strengthen security along the Turkish road. the ana-baringo border, recover stolen livestock and provide them with jobs and offers in oil operations.

S Addressing reporters after the meeting, Mr. Chimwanga said the concerns raised by the leaders would be addressed immediately. It is important to examine the deployment of specialized security personnel and National Police Reservists in the county and the leaders have given specific areas that they want to monitor. He added that they were eager to ensure the smooth running of oil operations in the region, noting that adequate structures are needed for residents to express their concerns without

"We want to put in place structures so that, if there are any concerns on the part of the community, everyone knows what platform they can present for deliberations and agreements ". badisted by Peter Lotethiro, MP for Nanok, Seif Matata, Commissioner of Turkana County, Nicolas Ngikor, former MP for Turkana East, senior MCA officials and senior government officials, Mr. Chimwanga badured leaders that the government would all possible to recover the stolen cattle. the deployment of the General Service Unit and the Rapid Deployment Unit officers will be done in three days, "he said.

The Kapedo, often volatile, was the most affected According to Mr. Chimwanga, a special badistant commissioner of the county will be posted in two weeks in addition to the police reservists.

million. Munyes, from Turkana, said concerns about jobs, calls for tenders and support for host communities would be examined.

"Next Friday, we will hold a conference to discuss local content and leaders in the county for engagement with my department and Tullow Oil on how to handle grievances," said Munyes [19659012] Related Stories

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