The cervical cancer screening campaign will aim to tackle the sharp rise in defections | Society


Women will be invited to undergo cervical cancer screening as part of a large-scale campaign prompted by physicians' concern over a sharp increase in those who ignore the invitations to be tracked.

The campaign will be launched early next year to mark the 10th anniversary of Jade Goody's death of cervical cancer in March 2009, the star of the reality show whose death has resulted in an increase in the number of women. 1

This will be the first time that the NHS will seek to raise awareness of a disease that is diagnosed by 3,000 women a year and kills about 850 a year.

Public Health England leads the campaign because the proportion of women who have been screened for cervical cancer – formerly known as smear – has fallen to its lowest level in 20 years .

Screening is offered to all women ages 25 to 64 and the goal of PHE is to ensure that at least 80% of them present themselves. But only 72% did it in 2016-17. Nearly 1.3 million women – the largest number ever registered – did not attend. The percentage of women choosing not to attend a screening appointment has been increasing since 2010.

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Public servants are concerned about the number of women in their 20s who choose not to attend. Only three in five – 62% – of women aged 25 to 29 attended screening last year.

"Not attending cervical cancer screening is the biggest risk factor for developing cervical cancer," said Robert Music, Jo & CEO. Trust's. "The test prevents 75% of cervical cancers from developing and saving thousands of lives each year in the UK." Unfortunately, we are seeing a steady decline in attendance and if that does not change we will see more diagnoses and deaths. could have been avoided. "

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Lucy Elliss-Brookes, chief of cancer badysis at PHE, revealed the move at a seminar on disease organized by the Westminster Health Forum

"It is really disturbing to find that fewer women up More than one-third of women under 30 do not pbad the test, "said Professor Anne Mackie, director of PHE screening." We know that for some women, embarrbadment or discomfort may discourage them. If they are concerned, they can ask a GP who can explain what is involved and help them make a choice about screening.

Officials point out that a screening appointment should only last five minutes. soft brush to collect them on the surface of the cervix of the uterus. The cell sample is sent to a laboratory for badysis and the results are available within two weeks.

The music says, "Fear of pain is an obstacle to attendance.This can be for many reasons, including vaginismus, endometriosis or not being able to relax." But anxious women can make Easier by asking the nurse to stop or use a smaller speculum or an estrogen cream for badl dryness. .

Professor Chris Harrison, NHS National Clinical Director for Cancer, said the PHE campaign would be an important part of NHS efforts to ensure that people with cancer are diagnosed earlier and could so live longer.

Elliss-Brookes stated that the success of the campaign since 2007-08 to immunize schoolgirls against the human papillomavirus (HPV) has led some young women to a false sense of security about their risk of developing HIV / AIDS. cancer of the cervix of the uterus.

"We know that one in ten young women aged 25 to 35 think that screening for cervical cancer is not important if you have received the vaccine against the uterus." HPV. However, while the vaccine prevents the development of 70% of cervical cancers, it does not provide complete protection, so cervical screening is still very important for women who have been vaccinated, "said Music.

An expert in screening who asked to remain anonymous said: "In recent years, Jade Goody's effect" has dissipated. Fewer women are now seeing cervical cancer screening. This can be an unpleasant experience for some women, but it only takes a few minutes of your time and can save your life. "

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