The coach of the Thai boys trapped in the cave offers an apology to the parents


The 25-year-old coach of a youth football team trapped for two weeks in a Thai cave offered his "parents apologies" for boys in a scribbled note issued by the Thai Navy Saturday.

Thailand holds its breath for the safe return of the group, with heavy rains forecast and fears of mounting on the reduction of oxygen and the high level of water in the cave.

Ekkapol Chantawong was for nine days the only adult with children 11 to 16 – until they were discovered on a muddy ledge by rescue divers Monday

"For all parents, all children are well, I promise to take the best care of children, "he said. a note given to a diver on Friday and posted on the Facebook page of the Thai Navy SEAL Saturday

"Thank you for all the moral support and I apologize to the parents."

Other touching notes signed by members of the "Boar" team were directed to their families, many of whom kept an anxious vigil "out of the cave for a fortnight."

"Do not worry mom and dad," says a note from one of the boys who gave him his nickname "Bew"

"I left for two weeks but will come back and help you to sell your stuff. "His family is shopping

Another note, from" Dom ", says that it was" good but the weather here is a little cold ".

Boys are trained in the basics of diving in case the waters in a sudden evacuation through tortuous and jagged pbadages.

But Friday night, the authorities said that they were not ready to disappear.

The message of Ekkapol is the coach's first, whose role in the team's situation divided Thai social media

He reports that he gave his share of food to the children before they were located and that he helped them spend nine days in the dark.

Others blamed him for agreeing to take the boys to the cave during the monsoon season. The group entered the cave on June 23 and was trapped when the water was torn off.

A mbadive rescue operation is underway, with powerful pumps running around the clock to reduce the water level their options for extracting children.

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