Last Updated: 14:43, 10 July 2018
Winston Peters would have left right-wing commentators talking about the place of "freedom of speech".
A group of lawyers, academics and former politicians will argue in front of an Auckland Council agency for its decision to ban two speakers. extreme right to use a place owned by a public board
Free Speech Coalition $ 50,000 required for the lawsuit – a judicial review of the decision Auckland Auckland to cancel a reservation for the controversial Canadian duo Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux
They were to speak at the Bruce Mason Theater in Takapuna in August as part of an Australasian Lauren Southern is intransigent on immigration "title =" " src = "https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/q/p/0/q/g/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620×349.1qqlxu.png/1531191842357.jpg" clbad = "photoborder" />
Lauren Southern is uncompromising on immigration.
But Auckland Live director, Robbie Macrae, said last week that "the health and safety of presenters, staff and customers has led to the cancellation of the event
* Application for judicial review of blocking by the Auckland Council agency of the far-right speakers
* Controversial C The Auckland Mayor Phil Goff supported this decision by tweeting: "Opinions that divide rather than unite are repugnant and I have clearly expressed my point of view on this issue." [19659011] controversial Canadian duo Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux
controversial Canadian duo Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux
On Tuesday, political commentator Chris Trotter, a supporter of the Free Speech Coalition, said the group had reached its $ 50,000 funding.
She would institute proceedings against the council for its prohibition to visit the premises of the council by Southern and Molyneux.
"We were hoping to raise this money before 5 pm Friday," Trotter said in a press release.
Chris Trotter says the money was collected in 24 hours
"However, during the first day of this campaign, we were com. The Free Speech Coalition was supported by Dr. Michael Bbadett, former Labor Party Minister, former National Party Leader and ACT, Dr. Don Brash and Lawyer Stephen Franks
He also received support from David Cumin, Professor at the University of Auckland, Melissa Derby of the University of Canterbury, Ashley Church, Director of the Property Institute, Paul Moon, AUT Professor, Lindsay Perigo, Editor Rachel Poulain, Executive Director of Taxpayers' Union and Trotter
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff tweeted: "The places should not be used to stir up ethnic or religious tensions. "We are eager to establish a strong legal precedent that shows that the use of public places can not be dictated by the political whims of those in power."
"For us, there is no help She said:
The Australian promoter of the event said that he was working with a group in Nova Scotia. Zealand to consider motives for cancellation
"For the mayor to suddenly have a problem with these speakers, it is both outstanding, and we are looking to find out if is illegal, "said David Pellowe of Axiomatic Events
." The event, it's about issues of justice and freedom of expression. "
Pellowe has stated that he did not agree with the reasons cited by the Auckland Live Board. "We agreed that they were not open to further discussions "
Auckland Live said it had discussed with the promoter the security and safe delivery of the event, given the escalation of polarized sights and concerns. security presenters, customers and staff. lawyers, an badessment show According to Mr. Macrae, the costs of security, police and road closures would be important, "he added.
" There would also be an effect on businesses surrounding areas and the Takapuna community. Additional costs should be borne by the promoter. "
For the Australian tour sites, the venue is made available to buyers only 24 hours before the event, but in New Zealand more than one." months later In 1965, Southern was barred from entering the UK, and a Home Office spokesman said his presence in the UK was "not conducive to the public good", according to the international media.
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Tags Auckland challenge Council expression farright Freedom group prohibition Raises