The ghost of Tsushima will "deviate from the historical truth"


Nowadays, video players are generally disappointed by the fact that the titles are not historically faithful to the places and settings that they use. He arrived recently with Battlefield V, and soon it could happen also with Ghost of Tsushima .

Whatever it is, as Sucker Punch co-founder Chris Zimmerman explained in an interview with GameSpot, it will happen on an intentional basis, since the developer wanted to offer an experience of samurai appropriate in his next game.

 Ghost of Tsushima will depart from historical truth

"We will depart from historical truth, [but] we just want to do it intentionally Much of the support we receive from our Sony friends in Japan and our Japanese friends from Sony US, and from all the cultural consultants we have gathered to help us do that, is to make sure we do not deviate accidentally, " Zimmerman said.

"There are things we are going to do that are different and we want to choose them wisely. […] The challenge for us, to make a game, in an original story, but unfold in a historical time real, is to make sure that we tell a story that people can identify with.When we deviate from this historical truth, we do so to prevent you from clinging to things. "

On top of that, he described some of the things that will "go away" from "Historical Truth", that appears to be especially the armor of our protagonist Ghost of Tsushima

"If you have an idea of ​​what the samurai look like or how they act or how they think, we'll give it to you." The idea of ​​most people is really based on a samurai idea that is really more of a samurai idea [16th to 18th] The 13th century, historically, is quite different.

Regarding the way they fought, what they wore, it does not meet your expectations. […] The armor you see it wearing, it's not a 13th century armor. Because, honestly, the armor of the 13th century is quite discordant, it is not what we would expect. It's really boxy. He does not seem ambitious. "

Ghost of Tsushima arrives (probably next year) on PS4.

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