The Halima Aden model will never have to remove her hijab


Halima Aden had a clause written in her contract which states that she never had to take off her hijab.

The Somali-American model – who was born in a refugee camp in Kenya – had a written clause in his contract with the IGM models, which means that she was never forced to go to school. remove her veil that covers her hair and torso in accordance with her Muslim religious beliefs.

In an interview with CBS News, the star of the pioneering parade said, "When I had this opportunity to sign with IMG Models, I made sure I did not comply … I l I did it on my own terms. "

Halima made history by being the first woman to wear a burkini in the Miss Minnesota USA beauty pageant, getting to the semifinal, and soon after became the first model wearing the hijab to be signed with IMG Models.

She became the first hijab carrier to appear on the cover of Vogue Arabia and also won an Allure cover in 2017.

The Allure cover in 2017. (Pic: Instagram)

20-year-old model beauty has also participated in shows for the likes of Kanye West and Alberta. Ferretti and Halima say the IGM models have supported his choice to keep his head covered.

She said, "Every time I'm on the set, I know that the people who shoot are already familiar with my requirements, they know what I can wear, they've already understood, I've always felt security." 19659003] Halima recounted how her appointment as UNICEF's new ambbadador, which she described as her "greatest achievement to date," compares to her modeling career.

She explains, "My mom can pick a Vogue magazine. When I told her about UNICEF, she started crying … When I told her this news, it was the first time in my modeling career that she was really, really proud of myself. "

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