The new announced Intellivision console will focus on "simple 2D games for the whole family"


It also looks like it will bring back NES style NQ style policies.


Atari putting his hat back in the ring to release a new console – although the Atari VCS may end up being a scam – it seems like another clbadic console brand wants to pull out a Tommy Tallarico's new machine, legendary for his contributions to music through movies, games, and, well, just the old music, is the new chairman of Intellivision Entertainment, and he intends to release a new console.

This new console seems, uh, interesting, according to IGN and VentureBeat, both of which have had the opportunity to talk to Tallarico, the new Intellivision console will be inexpensive and will not be sold according to the specifications. console for family games, will not have 3D games (2.5D those who are fine), will have no game rated higher than E10 + by the ESRB (so only kid games friendly), and will not have complicated games (with the If you can not explain the game in 10 seconds, or if you need a manual, it's not on our system "Seriously."

That already sounds crazy, but it's getting crazier – Tallarico wants to build a library of original games for the system, which literally means that no port will be allowed to be released for that If you make succeed in creating an original game for this new Intellivision, it becomes … interesting, apparently any game with a score lower than 7/10 will not be allowed on the system. less than 7/10 by whom we do not know What happens if you decide to create a game, exclusive to Intellivisio n (since ports are not allowed), and that was not considered sufficient? Well, either you lose your money, or Intellivision suggests how you can fix it, and you can try again. Great.

The console will not have media functionality either, but it will be online. It will have a controller mimicking the original Intellivision controller, having a disk on it for control, as well as a touch screen instead of the keyboard. Because the Wii U emulation is what you want to do with a new console, it plans to launch with 20-50 games, including those clbadic Intellivision that can be updated, and will be included for free, and will not be launched until 2020 at

For all this, I can only say one thing: what? What? How can you – the only thing I can say here is that Tallarico does not finance it financially, or ask people to pay for something that does not exist yet, unlike Atari . But how is this console conceptual? There is absolutely no way, none, that it will survive in the market, unless these policies are changed.

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