The new death of Superman's film turns Clark Kent into Jesus


Superman and Lois have a tender moment in the middle of the battle
Screenshot: Warner Bros Animation

The Steel Man still dies in the new animated film Death of Superman . The biggest surprise in the film is how he lives his life before Doomsday fate.

At this point, part of the appeal of Warner Bros.'s animated adaptations. see what is reinvented. The current iteration of these films takes place in a world strongly influenced by the restart of the New 52. These adaptations graft the pre-crisis scenarios on a new continuity, which offers angles, strengths and weaknesses. different. In this version of The Death of Superman – who had a world premiere Comic-Con screening on Friday night – we get a more inexperienced Superman than that of the 1992 clbadi history.

This Kal-El is still a member of the Justice League but does not know much about his Kryptonian heritage. He wants to tell the world about his extraterrestrial origins through articles written by Lois Lane, but also to fight to balance both sides of his life. This dilemma feeds the film's core tension, embodied in a version of Lois and Clark who are entangled in a love story at work. After seeing Superman hanging around some bad guys, Lois pushes Clark into an office closet and they start to get out of it. "You're still on fire after seeing it," Clark says sarcastically. They try to keep their romance secret, a decision that suits their needs. But Lois is increasingly frustrated by the fact that Clark keeps her at arm's length. When a scheduled weekend comes into conflict with his parents arriving in town, Clark muddies his path by explaining why it would be a bad idea for Lois to meet Jonathan and Martha Kent. They all get together but Lois does not understand why Clark will not let her really get into his life

Meanwhile, conversations with his teammates in the league encourage Clark to do just that. During a regular meeting, Flash tells the team that he is going to get married and Superman is stunned to learn that Iris is aware of the superhero side of the Barry Allen's life for years. Even Batman takes time for his family, explaining that he can not make the next meeting because it will be the parent-teacher night at Damian's boarding school.

This Superman is nervous, uncertain and even a little paranoid. He wants to do the right thing but does not know how Lois, or the world in general, will accept it if they find out what it really is. The characterization is a good time to land in a universe where his career is essentially in its infancy.

The Other Plots Going By Death of Superman concern Lex Luthor's manic need to find a countermeasure to Superman through the Cadmus Project's mad science experiments, a team of astronauts of the Endangered Space Shuttle, and STAR Research work on apokaliptian hybrid technology, used by Intergang criminals. If you are familiar with all the arc of the 1992-1993 comic book story, you will see these secondary intrigues for what they are, setting up the last half of a story film in two parts.

As the backdrop of this version of Death of Superman is different, new choices are made to communicate a feeling of threat. After doing Earthfall, Doomsday does not tear across the North American continent and does not threaten a whole lot of superheroes en route. Instead, he kills Atlanteans and unfortunate humans on his way to Metropolis, in inflected horror sequences that make the villain feel like Michael Meyers Halloween . When the Invincible Alien Invader faces the Justice League, the fights are more brutal than they were in the comics, and the same goes for Superman's clash with Doomsday. When the two exchanged the last shots that ended the life of each other, I could hear audible gasps from the audience, despite the fact that most of them had to know this. who was coming (Even though they did not read the original, it was entitled The Death of Superman after all.)

In the comic books, Lois knew Clark's secret for years. Here she knows it for at most two days before she dies. It presents another type of tragedy: a story of love that is just beginning is stifled by a heroic sacrifice. When Lois is frustrated by Clark's awkward and romantic signals, he tells her that he takes care of her but has trouble showing it. The times when he shows it – telling him that he is Superman – are the best parts of the film, mixing humor, skepticism and heartfelt relief.

Jerry O'Connell does not make enough noise to differentiate between the two voices, but he does better than Superman, delivering a "serious farmboy" better than a "super-tough and tough superhero." The best moments of Lex Luthor by Rainn Wilson The scientist appears as a happy badhole who really starts to whine when he does not get what he wants. In general, vocal interpretations are all usable

The strangest choice of Death of Superman- written by the long-time scribe Peter Tomasi-is how much he relies on allegories of Jesus. In the first act, crime chief Mannheim says that he wants to end a robbery before attracting the attention of "the man at the top". He is talking about Superman, of course, but the intention of the line is to invoke the idea of ​​a god. in Paradise. Later, after Superman's death, retired sailor Bibbo Bibbowski angrily recites the Hail Mary and asks God why Superman was to die. One can see even more Catholic influence in the moment when Lois and Jimmy Olsen run to Superman's grave after hearing something happen there. The tomb is empty and, just like the apostles on Easter Sunday, they wonder if the steel man could be alive. Superman's parallels to Jesus have been a collection of ideas, badyzes, and coincidences that have accumulated over the decades, but especially as a subtext. To have it so strongly shot in the foreground is discordant, but not so much that it has lessened any enjoyment for me.

The change in continuity introduces an even more enticing deviation into the inevitable sequel. The four characters that fill the void left by Superman's disappearance will have links to Darkseid and Apokalips and a dysfunctional cult of what Superman is supposed to be. In addition, Superman's resurrection will probably coincide with the fact that the world is learning that he is an extraterrestrial, a revelation that could replace the hope of his return by the fear of a superpower outsider. However, all this change is right next to a big reminder to Superman: The Movie reminding viewers the full scope of Superman's existence for decades.

In this way, the film adaptation The Death of Superman justifies its existence, which makes me want to see what is remixing now and in the future while enjoying the things that stayed the same.

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