The rescuers rush against time to save the team in front of more rain


Rain continued to fall in Chiang Rai and is expected to intensify from Wednesday, pushing authorities to redouble efforts to reduce water levels in the cave and try to get out boys earlier. "If it's raining too much, the water level will rise and make it more difficult," Interior Minister Anupong Paochinda told reporters at the Tham Cave Complex

Luang. more journalists have arrived, joining hundreds of media outlets that have covered the drama case by case for more than a week.

Two British divers experienced in cave rescue, John Volanthen and Rick Stanton, were the first to reach the boys and were accompanied by a team of Thai Navy divers.

The lucky 13 received energy gels to support them while mining plans are being developed. A navy team was still with the boys and lights, power supply and communications equipment were being installed. Tuesday's options included waiting for the water levels to drop or for the group to use the diving equipment to navigate the flooded cave

"Helping the kids will take time," said L & # 's Admiral Naris Pratoomsuwan.

Divers focused on a high mound, which speleologists dubbed Pattaya Beach, knowing that it could have provided a refuge for boys when rains flooded the cave.

Narangsak, Governor of Chiang Rai Osottanakorn said the divers reached Pattaya beach but found it flooded. The team was 400 meters away. Parents who were waiting at a nearby shelter were seen cheering, smiling and receiving calls after hearing that the boys had been found


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