The Swedes are considering an alternative to the Nobel Prize for Literature


The Swedish Academy does not award a Nobel Prize for literature this year, but a group of Swedish cultural personalities gather to give their own version of the world's most prestigious literary prize, as a protest against the scandal

The Nobel Prize for Literature 2018 was canceled in May as a result of allegations of badual badault against Jean-Claude Arnault, husband of Katarina Frostenson. Frostenson is an author and a member of the Swedish Academy, the secret jury of the award.

Arnault was charged with rape in June, but he denies all allegations

. The scandal, which sparked debate over the patriarchal nature of the academy and the fighting in the Swedish media between academics, sparked a wave of resignations. this year's award "in view of the currently diminished academy and reduced public confidence".

In his place, more than 100 Swedish writers, actors, journalists and other cultural figures formed the new academy, which will distribute his "We founded the new Academy to remind that literature and culture in general should promote democracy, transparency, empathy and respect, without privilege, bias, arrogance or badism, "In a period when human values ​​are increasingly challenged, literature becomes a counter-actor. An even greater force to stop the culture of silence and oppression, the New Academy considers it so important that the world's greatest literary prize should still be awarded in 2018. "

The New Academy invites all Swedish librarians to name authors. Candidates can come from anywhere in the world, and must have written at least two books, one of which has been published in the last 10 years. They are looking for a writer who has told the story of "humans in the world" – unlike the Nobel, which aims to honor the writer who wrote, according to the words of Alfred Nobel's will, "The Most Outstanding Work in An Ideal Direction"

Once the nominations are received, the New Academy will launch a public vote, the four most popular authors to be submitted to its jury, headed by writer Ann Pålsson and also including Lisbeth Larsson, professor at the University of Gothenburg, and Gunilla Sandin, librarian, the jury will announce its winner in October, the same month that the Nobel Prize is traditionally announced.

"In awarding this prize, we are organizing a demonstration . We want to show people that serious cultural work should not occur in a context of coercive language, irregularities, or abuse, "said the new organization.

December 11, the next day from the official awarding of the prize to the winner, the New Academy will be dissolved

The Swedish Academy is currently expecting the announcement of two Nobel laureates in 2019.-Guardian

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