The Warframe Sacrifice arrives on the console tomorrow!


It's Tennocon this coming weekend. If you do not know what it is … well, I'm not even sure why you clicked on this link in the first place, but I'll explain anyway. Now in its third year, Tennocon is an annual gaming convention dedicated to all things Warframe, hosted by the developer of free Digital Extremes games in their hometown of London Ontario, Canada. This year, Tennocon was also something else: a deadline

The Sacrifice, Warframe's last long-awaited cinematic quest, released last month, but only on PC. As is usually the case (unfortunately), console players will have to wait for new content from Warframe as it needs additional work and certifications. DE people had promised however that they would manage to make sure the Sacrifice struck before Tennocon, and by Klem they did it! And with just one day to spare!

The Sacrifice arrives on the console on July 5th!

Listen to what other Tenno had to say about the latest Kinematic Quest: pic.twitter .com / um6qU4Q0rn

– WARFRAME (@PlayWarframe) July 3, 2018

If you follow the DE team on social networks (and if you are a fan of Warframe, then I really recommend you to do as I have rarely have seen a game development team engage frequently and openly with their base of players), then you would know that they have really burned midnight oil in recent weeks, so congratulations to them. Now, I can stop avoiding certain parts of the internet for fear of spoilers, and conclude the story that started in Second Dream and continue in The War Within.

In addition to the revelations of this story, The Sacrifice brings with it all new Excalibur Umbra frame and all new Umbral special mods, which all who complete the quest get for free, as I have detailed previously. I've already seen videos suggesting how these Umbral mods can be used in incredible builds for other frames in addition to Excalibur. I say "allusion to" because I did not dare to look at them just in case the story would be spoiled. Well, after tomorrow I'll dare well!

We will also keep an eye on Tennocon this weekend, just in case huge announcements are made.

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