Thunder Rosa on starting for ROH, who she still wants to fight, Favorite Lucha Underground Moments


Thunder Rosa (Kobra Moon on Lucha Underground) appeared on Women's Wrestling Weekly to talk to LU, a beginner at ROH, and whom she wants to fight. Here are some of the highlights:

ROH Beginnings:

"I just made my debut in ROH and it was great, I had a great time, I 'd love it. have the impression of belonging and, again, it was one of my dreams to work in ROH and when the opportunity was given to me, I was really happy! I just hope that it was not once, and only once, I hope that it will follow more bookings with them.back to Japan if possible, and take a little tour in Europe with larger companies than the last time maybe work for AAA if the opportunity arises, it is as if, the world is my playground! I just have to knock on the door see who gives me a chance, you know? "

Who she wants to fight:

" Sarah Stock [WWE] she is one of my main motivations as a wrestler … She is so good! … Sarah Amato [Sara Del Rey] actually went to APW, it's the I want to fight Deonna Purrazzo, I've seen her several times, she's really cool, and I want to fight Johnny Mundo one-on-one.

 WWE is interested in the former champion Lucha Underground

Favorite Moments on Lucha Underground:

"One thing I found very stimulating, believe it or not, was when I dragged Draco at every show. Because I'm in power and I drag this man who likes to take shames and that he does everything for me, you know, you do not see that kind of characters in the show, and then another when they have created the whole and I saw the big cobra and I had my throne and my dress and I look like a queen and I'm like, 'Wow, that's ! true & # 39; I did not cry, I cried, it's such a moving moment because I come from nothing, you know, I'm the third of four. girls and we lived in a small house and it's a long story, but just to be able to show that to my parents and tell them: "Hey guys, that's me, I'm on TV My father is so proud, my family is so proud, and it shows that I work very hard and that people believe in me and believe in this character. "

You can view the full interview in the video above or listen on iTunes.

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