Tommy Hilfiger launches a new line of clothing that will follow your movements


(Photo: Tommy Hilfiger)

In this age of constant surveillance, we leave a digital footprint wherever we go.

Our phones, laptops, watches are busy recording our activity and our location all the time.

And if our technology was not enough, now our clothes are starting to do the same thing.

Tommy Hilfiger fuses technology and fashion with the launch of its Tommy Jeans Xplore range.

The new collection will see hoodies, jeans, skirts and accessories integrate a Bluetooth chip to try to create what the brand calls "a micro-community of brand ambbadadors". The Xplore chip promises to track your movements and offer rewards based on the amount of clothing you wear – with Tommy gift cards and gifts. And there will also be bonuses for wearing your chipped clothes after some places of Tommy Jeans that are marked on the Xplore app that accompanies it.

Users will be able to disable tracking if they do not want to be trapped in a real life episode of Black Mirror, but if you decide to opt out, you will be disqualified from any rewards.

So really, it's a choice between free Tommy material and being easily tracked.

It's a toughie.

The concept is only available in the United States at the moment but who knows, maybe we will soon follow Tommy 's avatar on the other side of London.

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