Trevor Noah refuses to apologize for joking about Aboriginal women


 The Daily Show's host refused to apologize for his 2013 comments.

The Daily Show's host refused to apologize for his 2013 comments.

Photo: Comedy Central

"We live in a" I was responding to comments about some women that we call "unflattering" in South Africa, so you know, it's like. is one of those things. If you made the joke again, you'd better.

"When I arrived in Australia, I had the chance to meet an aboriginal woman in one of Melbourne's museums. She said: "Hey, I've seen your stuff and let me tell you why this joke – in Australia – was particularly hurtful."

Noah said he was educated about the discrimination suffered by the first Australian people.He said that he had never intended to "hurt" anyone.

"I do not try to hurt people with comedy, otherwise I would go into a different job. If I do not try to hurt people with the joke, then I see no reason to keep the joke. "19659005" That's why, you know, people have to go find a joke from 2013 to basically talk about it. Because the joke is no longer done.

"But I understand how indignation works … people generally do not want to listen or understand on their side, they go, no, we're angry." To do is to withdraw and say, hey, j & I have addressed this. "

Many Australians have said that Noah's explanation is not good enough. Chelsea Bond, a broadcaster at Brisbane's 98.9 FM community radio station, said he should have apologized.

"It's not that difficult," she wrote on Twitter. "Just say sorry and never use the intention as a criterion of racism … 2013 was not the 1960s.

" It was the same year that the Black Lives Matter movement was been initiated. It was the "historical" and "cultural" context of your dehumanizing joke about aboriginal women

"I guess all black lives do not matter, huh?"

The Daily Show host will be touring Australia next month. His local tour will begin at Melbourne's Hisense Arena on Thursday, Aug. 23, followed by performances in Perth, Brisbane and Sydney.

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