Trump accuses the US law enforcement forces of illegal espionage his campaign


A spokesman for Special Adviser Robert Mueller, who is now leading the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 elections, declined to comment on the president's tweets. s ingest the vote, and he insisted that there was no collusion with the members of his campaign. Russia denies any interference.

Trump's statements on Twitter follow fierce criticism, including by some Republicans, of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin last week

. The four122 pages of heavily redacted documents released on Saturday by the FBI included requests for surveillance at the Foreign Intelligence Watch Court and warrants for the Page.

They included an initial application and renewal applications that were filed in 2017, after Trump took office.

"The FBI thinks that Page has collaborated and conspired with the Russian government"

In addition, the documents indicated that "the FBI believes that the Russian government the fronts are coordinated with Page and perhaps d & # 39; other individuals badociated with "the Trump campaign, and this page" established relations with Russian government officials, including Russian intelligence agents. "

page denied being an agent of the Russian government Referring to documents Trump tweeted Sunday: "As usual, they are ridiculously heavily expurgated, but confirm with little doubt that the Department of Justice and the FBI have misled the courts." Witch Hunt Rigged , a scam! "

Some Republican lawmakers claimed that the FBI had made serious mistakes when he had applied for a warrant to monitor Page in October 2016, shortly after leaving the Trump campaign.

On the state of the Sunday Union, Mr Page described these documents as "a complete joke" and insisted that they were exaggerating his relations with the Russian government.

"I have never been an agent of a foreign power by the imagination," said Page to CNN. "I have never been close to what is described here."


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