Try these 10 great home remedies for sunburn and rashes


With scorching heat, sunburn, rashes and skin allergies are quite common. Too much exposure to the sun, or a sun-like equivalent of a tanning bed can lead to skin peeling, redness, blisters, stains, fluid loss, itching or spotting. pain. Symptoms range from mild to severe and can lead to extreme complications. Wondering how to keep your skin hydrated and get rid of those allergic reactions? Do not freight. Here is some help.

Refreshing baths to refresh drinks, there are many ways to beat the heat. But with the ever-increasing level of global warming, nothing seems to be enough. Home remedies like essential oils, herbs, vitamin and mineral supplements, fruits and vegetables are the perfect solution to keep freshness and freshness in season. Here are some tips to take care of your skin in the comfort of your home.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar and apples on white wood background

Apple cider vinegar is excellent for glowing skin. losing weight. (Source: File Photo)

Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glbad of water or mix a cup to your bath. It helps maintain the pH of your body and heals sunburn.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera juice with fresh leaves

Aloe vera has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. (Source: File)

Take small pieces of aloe vera and rub them on your skin or moisturize with lotions containing aloe vera for a soothing effect on your skin. Aloe vera is also known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Tea Bags

Used tea bags can also do the trick. (Source: File Photo)

Dip tea bags in cold water and apply eyelashes and under your eyes to heal burns, rashes and pain.

Coconut oil

Coconut copra natural cosmetics, skin care product like coconut oil, bar of soap on green background, organic cosmetics

The oil coconut is rich in special fats that stimulate the metabolism. (Source: File Photo)

Gently mbadage coconut oil onto your skin. It not only heals burns, but also tightens the skin to prevent wrinkles and other damage. It is also said that coconut oil is rich in special fats that stimulate the metabolism.


Yogurt is your best friend to get rid of these sunburns. It also happens to be a good cleanser. (Source: File Photo)

Yogurt is your best friend to get rid of sunburn. It also happens to be a good cleanser. Apply fresh milk or yogurt to your skin to cool it down and help lessen the inflammation that causes discomfort.


Fresh Cucumbers

Filled with fiber, cucumbers are rich in moisturizing properties. (Source: File Photo)

With natural antioxidant and badgesic properties, apply cucumber paste or fresh cucumber pieces to your skin to treat rashes and skin burns. It works well under the eyes too. Fresh Potatoes

Fresh Potato Beans

Known as an badgesic, potato skins and dough can magically work on small scratches on the skin. (Source: File Photo)

Known as an badgesic, the bark or potato paste can magically act on minor skin irritations, scratches, burns and even reduce # 39; ignition.

19659030] Diet recipe: baking soda, lemon and honey

Honey, lemon and curd contain cleansing properties that can give your skin a radiant glow. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

Add baking soda or cornstarch in your bath to prevent rashes and skin irritations. It helps balance the body's pH and relieves sunburn.


Oatmeal in a brown wooden bowl on the table

Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties. (Source: Thinkstock images)

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of oatmeal can relieve itching and irritated skin caused by sunburn.

Green tea

Try mixing green tea with mint tea for cool comfort. (Source: File Photo)

Apply green tea to your skin or drink it regularly to protect your skin from inflammation caused by the sun's UV rays. Try mixing green tea with mint tea for comfort.

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